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Ana woke up the next day to her phone blowing up with hundreds of notifications. Messages from Chris, Scott, Carly, Shanna,her family, and her friends.

Still trying to wake up Ana didn't hear her front door open or Scott calling for her. Scott entered her room and saw Ana staring blankly at her phone.

Scott sighed, "I talked to Chris. He wants you to go to his house to be on the safe side."

Ana stayed silent while she stared at the headline that was sent to her by her best friend Callen.

E News!
Chris Evans a cheater?
Ex-girlfriend Lily James releases statement.
"Chris and I were together until he went home and cheated on me with a neighbor of Scott's, Ana Ortiz. We are currently trying to mend our relationship."

Posted with the statement was one of the photos the paparazzi managed to get of the two at the after party.

Scott sat next to Ana on her bed waiting for her to say something. But all Ana could do was read the statement over and over again.

Finally, Scott took her phone away.

"You don't need to be reading this. You know it's not true."

Ana sobbed, "she gave my name. People are going to find me. What if he finds me?" She started shaking, "I made sure him and his family didn't know where I moved to."

Scott shook his head, "we're going to protect you. And he can't get to you. He's behind bars." He stood up and grabbed her hands, "now get dressed, grab some clothes, and Poppy. I'm taking to you Chris's house. He's on his way home."

Ana groaned, "But he'll get in trouble. He still has press to do for the movie."

"Any interviews he has to do he will be doing them via Skype."

Ana sighed. After getting dressed and gathering things for her and Poppy she took the time to look through her messages.

Baby, don't believe a word she's saying.
We broke up months ago.
I'm on my way home.
I asked Scott to take you to my place.
I'll be home soon.

Umm. Why are my coworkers telling me you are dating Chris Evans??

Crap. Ana hadn't gotten the chance to tell her mom she was dating Chris. In all fairness it was still new to them and plus work kept her busy. And she knew her mom would freak out.

She quickly texted her mom back.

Yes, Chris and I are dating.
It's fairly new. Please don't freak out.
And don't believe any of the trash gossip sites.

Ana pinched the bridge of her nose as she continued to look through her messages. Most of them were the same. Her friends asking why they didn't know. Her brothers threatening to kick his ass if he hurt her. Her dad told her he wanted to meet him.

Ana chuckled. Her and Chris were talking on the plane back to Boston about taking a trip to meet her family.

Her heart dropped as she opened up her Instagram and saw the thousands of requests to follow her. She then opened her Twitter, and saw she gained thousands of followers. Her Twitter was the only thing she didn't keep private because she didn't use it much.

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