Jealousy, jealousy

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A/N: trigger warning. This chapter discusses self inflicted harm. Please read with caution.

It was Friday night and Ana was putting on the finishing touches of her makeup while  contemplating if she should go to the bar or not. Since Wednesday, Chris and Ana hadn't spoken much. Chris told her he was busy reading scripts his agent was pushing him to read. But something still felt off.

Ana's phone beeps, signaling she had a text, it was Scott asking her if she wanted to carpool with them. She stares at herself in the mirror, she worked hard on her makeup and picked out an outfit that would definitely turn heads. She didn't want that to go to waste so she texted Scott back letting him know she'd meet them there. Ana pulls on a tight pair of black skinny jeans that hugged her hips. Then she put on a lacy red tank top before throwing a black leather jacket over it. She looked at herself in the mirror just starring at her reflection.

Growing up Ana was extremely self conscious about her body and she still was. But as she got older and started working out she began to gain some confidence back. However, the years she spent with her ex boyfriend caused her confidence to disappear completely. It took a lot of therapy to overcome all the damage he caused her. But as she looked at herself in the mirror she couldn't help but remember some of the awful things he said about her. Ana's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of her phone going off. Thinking it's Scott again she is surprised to see it's a text from Chris. Six simple words from him causes most of Ana's insecurities to go away.

Friday 9:45pm—

Can't wait to see you soon. 💙


At the bar Scott is sitting with Steve, Chris, Ana de Armas, and a couple of other friends of theirs. Chris invited Ana to meet his Ana because he knew how big of a fan she was of Ana de Armas. He remembered his Ana telling him how much of a lady crush she had on her since watching Knives Out. He laughed because to him it seemed like she had a lot of lady crushes on his co stars such as Elizabeth Olsen and Emily Van Camp. He was exciting to see her reaction when she walked in the bar to see Ana de Armas with them.

As Ana was walking towards the bar she ran into Jacob outside. Internally groaning Ana tried to ignore him unfortunately he wasn't having that. "Hello again, darling. I'm glad you decided to join me tonight." Rolling her eyes Ana continues to walk to the door, "well Chris invited me when I saw him Wednesday night." This caused Jacob to clench his jaw together out of annoyance. Chris may have ended the bet but Jacob wasn't about to let Ana go. He nods his head before opening the door, "after you, beautiful." Sighing Ana mumbles a quick thanks before walking in.

Scott spots Ana the minute she walks in shouting her name and waving her over. She smiles as she makes her way towards the table until she see Chris sitting rather close to a beautiful woman with golden brunette hair. She stops in her tracks causing Jacob to bump into her. He follows her gaze and recognizes who is with Chris. He instantly forms a plan smirking at the table of friends. She turns slightly to Jacob, "is that.." but before she can finish her sentence Jacob cuts her off, "Chris's girlfriend? Yeah. I think they just started dating." All of the color drains from Ana's face and immediately is overwhelmed with thoughts running through her mind. Is that why Chris has been distant lately? Why didn't he say he had a girlfriend? Of course he's dating Ana de Armas. She fucking gorgeous and compared to her she was nothing but a 1 on the beauty scale.

Ana shakes her head trying to keep the tears from spilling. She makes her way towards the table choosing to sit next to Scott rather than the empty stool next to Chris. Chris looks at her confused and  right away he could tell something was wrong. He moves next to her but she scoots closer to Scott. Chris and Scott exchange confused glances before Chris breaks the awkward tension. "Urm, Ana I want to introduce you to Ana de Armas." The two Ana's exchanges hellos before Ana turns to Scott and Steve. Jacob approaches the table and sets a beer down in front of Ana. She thanks him and gives him a small smile.

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