Hello Again

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It was Wednesday afternoon and Ana was at lunch with her two work besties, Kelly and Jessie. Kelly was the secretary and Jessie was another paralegal, the two befriended Ana on her first day at the law firm. Since Scott's birthday, Ana and Chris had been texting non stop. Usually he would text her about how bored he was and sometimes would send pictures of him and Dodger or just of Dodger with his stuffed lion. As the trio sat down for lunch, Ana's phone beeped. Quickly checking it she sees a text from Chris with a picture of Dodger laying by the door.

——-Wednesday 12:15pm———

I think Dodger is missing Poppy.
Maybe we should take them to
the dog park together.

Well Poppy is definitely missing Dodger too.
What day did you have in mind?

How about today? After work?

Wow. Dodger must be really missing Poppy. 😉

I may be missing Poppy's owner and want to hang out with her without Scott lurking. 😂

Well I'm missing Dodger's owner too. I'll text you when I'm off work. 😊

As Ana put her phone away, Kelly notices the blush and huge smile Ana has. "Who has you looking like a love sick teenager?" Ana glances between Kelly and Jessie not sure if she should say anything. She was worried one of them would slip up and say something to the others at the office. "I don't know what you're talking about." Jessie laugh, "sure you don't. But they must be special to have you blushing over text." With that the two drop it and the three friends continue on with their meal talking about anything and everything.

As the trio are getting ready to leave Ana feels a cold hand on her shoulder. She immediately pushes it off and spins around to face the owner of said hand. She did not expect to come face to face with Jacob. "Hello again, darling." Ana looks from Jacob to her friends, "Hello Jacob."

Jacob looks over Ana, noticing the outfit she was wearing. She had on a navy blue pencil skirt that hugged her hips and a cream colored blouse that accentuated her breasts. His eyes linger on her chest for longer than they should have, this doesn't go unnoticed by Ana. She quickly crosses her arms over her chest trying to cover herself. Jacob locks eyes with Ana once more, "I was hoping to run into you. I didn't get a chance to get your phone number at the party." Ana chuckled, "well I didn't offer it to you." Jessie and Kelly discreetly try to covering their snickering as to not embarrass Jacob.

Jacob smirks at Ana, "well that's okay. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other more often." Ana doesn't know why being around Jacob makes her uncomfortable since she's only met him once. But his demeanor reminds her of her ex. At the thought of her ex, Ana gently grazes the scars on her stomach. After a moment of awkward silence Ana says goodbye and turns to leave with Kelly and Jessie.

However, before she can walk out the door Jacob once again grabs ahold of her shoulder. This time Ana shoves him away, "please don't put your hands on me again." Jacob holds his hands up as if he were surrendering, "my apologies. I just wanted to invite you out this Friday night. A group of us are going to a bar, Chris and Scott will be there too." After a moment, Ana nods " I'll think about it." With that she turns to leave and this time Jacob let's her go.

Since meeting Ana, Jacob hasn't been able to stop thinking about her. One way or another he was determined to get to Ana first. He was tired of losing all the girls to Chris. When Jacob and Chris first started the bets he would always get the girls 90% of the time. But since Chris started acting and becoming more well known Jacob never got the girl. But Jacob well hell bent on getting Ana first and he knew exactly how to do it.

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