Today Was A Fairytale

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Ana paced back and forth in her room while Scott was in her closet picking her outfit. She was nervously cracking her knuckles, "maybe I shouldn't go. I haven't been on a date in a over a year." Scott walked out of the closet holding a blue dress, "you're going. This will be good for both of you." He gave her a reassuring smile while handing her the dress and pushing her towards the bathroom to change.

As Ana slipped on the dress she stared at herself. Her makeup was natural looking and she had on red lipstick. But of course her negative thoughts were swarming her mind. She wondered if there would ever be a time when she looked at herself in a mirror and didn't immediately point out a flaw. Right now all she saw a girl who was hiding a huge scar on her stomach. As well as the self inflicted scars on the inside of her thighs. And don't even get her started on her thighs, she wasn't a thin girl. She had meat on her bones and cellulite where the back of her thighs met her butt. Ana was starting to spiral. She didn't want to go out anymore. Just the thought of Chris taking her out made her want to pass out.

Ana slowly walked out of the bathroom to come face to face with Scott. "I don't think I can do this." She was on the verge of tears as Scott pulled her into a hug. "You've got this. He's so excited to take you out. Please don't listen to that voice in your head." He pulled away and put both hands on either side of her face, "you are worthy of so much. And Chris is lucky to date a brilliant, beautiful, badass woman such as yourself." Ana chuckled and let a few tears fall but Scott was quick to wipe them away. "Thank you, Scotty. I'm so lucky to have you as a best friend." Scott smiled and laughed, "just make sure you and Chris name your first born after me and we'll call it even." Ana laughed louder, "woah there. This is only our first date."

Just as Ana was slipping on her shoes the doorbell rang. She looked at Scott as panic flashed through her eyes. Scott nudged her towards the door, "go and have fun. Also don't forget to wear protection." Ana smacked him on his arm, "Scott! I'm not going to sleep with him." Scott laughed as he leaned closer to her ear, "not yet." She rolled her eyes as he opened the door.

Chris stood at the door with a bouquet of sunflowers and roses, Ana's two favorite flowers. He had texted Scott earlier for help with his date with Ana. He told Chris her favorite flowers but said the rest was up to him. Chris anxiously waited for her to open the door but was surprised to see Scott standing there with a huge grin on his face. "What are you doing here?" Scott shrugged, "I wanted to see you get knocked on your ass again." Chris glared at Scott but was soon distracted as he saw Ana standing behind Scott. She looked beautiful like an angel. His angel. He was at a loss for words as they stared at each other. Scott laughed as the two stared and said nothing, "well this has been fun. Have a great time you two." he winked at Chris as he made his way across the street.

Chris cleared his throat as he handed Ana her flowers, "these are for you." She smiled as she smelt them, "thank you, Chris. Let me put these in a vase and then I'm ready to go." Once the flowers were in a vase she proudly displayed them next to her living room window. Chris held his arm out to her and she took it as they made their way to his car.

Both of them were nervous on the drive to the restaurant. Silence filled the car but it wasn't an awkward silence it was more of comfortable silence. Ana played with her fingers as she looked out the car window she couldn't believe she was on a date with Chris. She caller her mom earlier freaking out as her mom laughed at her. She missed her mom more than anything was thankful Lisa took her under her wing. Lisa even took it a step further and befriend her mom. The two became fast friends and would call each other constantly.

As Chris messed with the radio he heard Ana gasp at the song that was playing on the radio. He turned to her with a smile on his face, "I take it you like this song". Ana giggled, "yes, I do." He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles as the song continued to play.

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