All of you, all of me (intertwined)

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Marry Me.

Ana looked up at Chris, surprise written all over her face. She had to blink multiple times to make sure she heard him right. Did he just ask her to marry him? Well, technically he didn't ask her. It was more of a demand but still those two important words left his mouth.

Marry Me.

Ana opened her mouth to speak but Chris cut her off before she could say anything.

"This isn't just a spur of the moment question. It's been on my mind for a while now but seeing you here, surrounded by your family you have this glow about you.  I want to be able to call you my fiancé, I want to see a ring on your finger. I want to start our family already. I fall more in love with you as each day passes. You're it for me, Ana. You're the one I've been dreaming of all my life. So..." Chris stands and pulls Ana up with him. He cups her face kissing her briefly before sinking down on one knee.

"I may not have a ring right now but Ana Marie Ortiz, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Silent tears stream down Ana's face as she frantically nods her head, "Yes, of course I will!"

The brightness in Chris' smile rivaled the sun. He scooped Ana in his arms twirling them around before placing her on the ground. Her feet had barely touched the ground by the time Chris was kissing her.

Pulling back Chris cupped the back of Ana's neck, "I promise I'll buy you the ring of your dreams as soon as we get home. And I'll give you a proper proposal."

Ana giggled, "This proposal was perfect, Chris. And I don't need a big fancy ring." She smiled up at him "I just need you."

"God, I love you so fucking much." Chris whispered before kissing her again. Slanting his head he ran is tongue along the seam of her lips asking for entrance. Ana granted him access as their tongues dominated for control but of course Chris quickly dominated the kiss. His hands roamed her body before they found her ass, giving her ass a hard squeeze. Ana tugged at the ends of Chris's hair. That was all Chris needed before he lifted her, wrapping her legs around him.

It didn't matter that they were out in public. It didn't matter that they'd only been dating a few short months. All that mattered was them.

In love and engaged.

Ana began gently grinding against Chris feeling his cock hardening. She moaned as she moved her hips so her core was over his cock rubbing against him. Chris moaned while squeezing her ass, helping her move against him.

Reluctantly, Ana broke their heated kiss first. "As much as I would love nothing more for you take me right here. We probably shouldn't."

Chris laughed, "Why not?"

Ana brushed some strands of hair back from his forehead. "I don't think your publicist, as well as your mother, want to get a call from the police department because they arrested you for indecent exposure."

Chris threw his head back laughing, "It's nothing the public hasn't' seen before, unfortunately."

Ana gasped, "Oh my god, Chris!"

Chris laughed, "Well, I can laugh about it now."

Ana buried her head into his neck. They held onto one another for a little longer before Chris eventually set her down. Taking his phone out he took their first picture as an engaged couple.

She said yes.

He couldn't believe she said yes. As soon as the words left his mouth, he was nervous. Fearing that Ana would say it was too soon or worse, say no. But she said yes, and he felt like he was living on cloud nine.

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