A Steamy Dinner and Tears

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Trigger warning: mentions of drugs, assault, and self inflicted harm.

It was a couple of weeks after Chris and Ana's date. Since then they had gone on more dates. Some even included Poppy and Dodger. Ana was making Chris dinner at her house since he said he wanted to talk to her about something. He sounded ominous on the phone so she was worried he was going to end things with her. Technically they still weren't together. Yes, they'd been on dates and would make out like two horny teenagers but it never went any further than that.

As Ana pulled out the chicken and potatoes from the oven her doorbell rang. She set the pan on the stove to let it cool down. She smiled as she saw Chris standing at her door with flowers and a bottle of wine. "Hello gorgeous." She blushed, grabbed his shirt collar, and brought him down for a kiss. He moaned as she slipped her tongue in. He carefully pushed her inside the house closing the door with his foot. He wrapped one arm around her waist and deepened the kiss.

Once Chris's lungs started screaming for air he pulled back. He smiled, "that's one way to welcome me in." Ana laughed, "couldn't help myself as soon as I saw that red belt."she glanced down and then winked at him before taking the flowers and the wine. Chris shook his head as he laughed. He followed her to the kitchen table and watched her plate their food. He poured some wine and took his seat next to her.

For the most part they talked about work. Chris would be leaving for a couple of weeks to do press for The Gray Man. He noticed Ana was quiet more than usual, he set his fork down and grabbed her hand. "What's wrong, gorgeous?" Ana shrugged, "you said you needed to tell me something. Made me think you have bad news to tell me." Chris chuckled as he leaned closer to her, "it's not bad news. I promise." He gave her a kiss before he pulled away.

He ran his hand through his hair, "I wanted to see how you felt about taking a weekend trip with me to New York." Ana gasped and dropped her fork. The chicken attached to fork fell to the floor and Poppy was quick to eat it. Ana stared at Chris as she processed what he just said. Finally she found her voice, "wait are you serious?!" Chris laughed, "of course. You said you'd never been to NYC and I wanted us to getaway for a weekend before I have to leave." Ana squealed and jumped from her chair throwing herself into Chris' lap. "Thank you thank you thank you!!" Ana exclaimed and then peppered kisses all over his face. Chris laughed and held onto her. He grabbed her by the chin and kissed her. It was a deep passionate kiss. So passionate that Ana felt the bulge in his pants grow.

Ana pulled back from Chris with a smirk on her face. He rubbed his hands up and done her back. One of his hands slowly made its way down to her butt and then to her thigh. Ana saw his pupils were blown from lust and if she could see herself she'd bet her eyes were just as lust blown as his. Chris moved his hand back up from her thigh and rested on her butt. Ana nudged her nose with Chris's before she crashed her lips back to his. The kiss turned steamy as she moved to straddle him. He gripped her hips and slowly started grinding her against his ever growing bulge.

Soon he was standing up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He took her to the couch and gently laid her down. He was hovering over her as he pulled back, his voice was thick, "what do you want baby?" All she could think about was feeling him against her. She was breathless as she responded, "I want you to touch me." He smirked as he leaned down to kiss her again. His hands roamed up and down her body before he gently squeezed her breast. She moaned into this mouth as she ran her hands through this hair.

Chris started grinding into Ana which caused her to gasps. He trailed kisses down her neck to her collarbone, and back up her neck. She scratched her nails down his back causing him to moan. He pulled away to pull his shirt off, Ana stared up at his chiseled abs and the tattoos that were all over his body. She pulled him back down to her and started kissing his neck and shoulder. He grabbed her by the waist and sat up with her. She was straddling him once again as Chris began to nip and suck on her pulse point. Ana could feel herself getting wet and started grinding against Chris.

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