A Very Merry Texas

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Ana rolled over in bed to face Chris's sleeping form. A soft snore escaped his lips as Ana chuckled. They had gotten in late last night when they arrived in Texas. She scooted closer to him and rested her head on his chest as she glanced around her childhood room. Her mom wasted no time remodeling her room. As soon as Ana left for college, her mom had the measuring tape and color samples out. Stating that she was the last one and she could finally live in peace.

The sun was starting to peak through the curtains on the window. Ana sighed as she snuggled into Chris more, his arm reflexivity tightened around her. It was a strange feeling for Ana to be back in Texas.

After leaving in a rush over a year ago. Being back in Texas brought up a lot of emotions for her. Everyone in her hometown knew why she had left Texas so abruptly. One of the downsides to growing up in a small town was that everyone knew everyone's business.

Ana heard her parents in the kitchen and soon the smell of coffee was wafting through the house. She got up making sure not to disturb Chris. She wanted to spend a few minutes alone with her parents before Chris got up.
Their first meeting last night was very brief. She knew once Chris was up that her parents would waste no time bombarding him with questions.

Ana padded into the kitchen where she saw her parents laughing while they cooked breakfast. She stopped at the entrance of the kitchen just to watch them. Growing up she remembered seeing them every morning do the exact same thing. Laughing or dancing around each other while they made breakfast. Each day they appeared more in love with each other than before.

She vaguely remembers the time in between her dad's death and when her mom met Owen. It was as if they were all living in limbo. Not really living. Her brothers were emotionally closed off and her mom spent every day at his grave. Being the youngest, Ana didn't know how to cope with the grief of her dad's death. It took Ana having a panic attack at school for her mom to seek therapy. Marie took her kids to grief counseling and family therapy. Despite her brother's reluctance they agreed to go but Ana knew they were only doing it for her, and she was thankful.

And then Owen came into their lives, and he helped mend their hearts. It would never be fully healed but he helped them learn to live with that grief and not feel guilty for being happy.

Now, she watched Owen swat her mom on her butt with the dish towel and made herself known.

"Ugh, save the foreplay for the bedroom. The kitchen is supposed to be a safe place." She smirked at her parents while she walked past them straight to the coffee maker.

Her mom rolled her eyes, "Hate to break it to you but no place has been safe since you all moved out."

Ana groaned as she brought her hands up to her face, "Mom, that is NOT something you should say to your daughter!"

Her parents laughed as Ana's face turned red from embarrassment, "And please don't say that in front of Chris."

Owen chuckled as he ruffled Ana's hair before placing a kiss on top of her head. "Is he still sleeping?'

Ana nodded, "Yeah, I wanted to make sure y'all don't bombard him with inappropriate questions."

Owen gasped as he brought his hands over his heart, "We would do no such thing."

Ana rolled her eyes, "Oh please you live to embarrass me."

"Correction that is your brothers." Her mom said from the stove while she flipped the bacon over.

Ana rolled her eyes, "Well please don't embarrass me in front of the man I love."

The sound of the tongs clattering to the ground drew Ana's attention to her mom who looked as if she had seen a ghost.

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