The Best Way to Wake Up

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Ana woke up wrapped in the arms of Chris. Yesterday's events replaying in her mind. While Ana was glad she was able to open up about some of her past she still had some issues she wasn't ready to discuss. Ana felt Chris stir behind her, he gently placed kisses on her neck and shoulder as his hand trailed down her thigh.

A moan escaped Ana's lips as she turned to face Chris. She cupped his face as she kissed his lips. While their hands roamed each other's body their kisses became more passionate. Chris pinned Ana underneath him as his hands slid down her body to her pajama shorts. He pulled back to gauge her reaction. When he saw her nod that was all he needed. He leant down to kiss her again as his fingers slipped into her panties. He felt her already wet for him and moaned into her mouth.

They broke the kiss so Ana could pull her shirt off and Chris removed his boxers and pulled off her shorts and panties. They stared at one another with lust blown eyes. Chris started to kiss down her body, stopping at the scar on her stomach. He looked at her in the eyes as he pressed a gently kiss to it. Tears pricked Ana's eyes as she saw him kiss her scar one more time. He trailed kisses down to her thighs spreading her legs further apart and kissed her other scars. Before he reached her heated core he looked back up at Ana, "are you sure?" Ana moaned nodding her head, "please Chris."

He smirked as he placed a kiss to her clit, Ana moaned loader. As he began sucking on her clit her reached a hand up to play with her nipples. He pinched and tugged at her nipples before slowly entering his finger into her tight pussy. He began slowly pumping his finger in and out of her before adding another finger. He felt her clench around his fingers before he curled them hitting her sweet spot. Soon she was climaxing all over his fingers. He continued to pump his fingers through her release before removing his fingers and sucking on them. He looked up at Ana, her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavier.

He crawled back up towards her as he kissed her. His tongue invading her mouth, she moaned as she tasted herself. She pushed Chris onto his back as she straddled him. She started kissing and nipping his neck. She placed kisses on his tattoos that covered his chest. Ana slowly made her way down to his erect cock. She slowly started pumping his cock as he moaned. He threw his head back on the pillow moaning louder as he felt her lick his tip that was dripping with precum. Ana licked up and down his shaft before she slowly started sucking his cock. As she bobbed her head up and down on his shaft she cupped his balls squeezing them. Chris realized he was close to releasing so he pulled her off of him, "I wanna finish somewhere else." His voice was thick with lust. He pulled her up to him and flipped her on her back. He lined his cock at her entrance before looking at her again for confirmation. Ana saw his hesitation as she brought him down for a kiss, "fuck me Chris."

That was all he needed to hear before he eased into her. He felt like he was in heaven once he was inside her. He gave her time to let her adjust to him before he felt her relax and started slowing thrusting into her. It was torturously slow at first before Ana moved her hands down to his ass and pressed him further into her. They both moaned, Chris started fucking her harder while Ana bucked her hips up to meet his thrusts. He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. He moved his mouth down to her breast and started sucking on her nipples moving back and forth between the two.

Chris felt Ana start to clench around his cock,
and knew she was close. He began kissing her again and moved his thumb down to rub her clit. He felt her walls milking his cock and soon they were both cumming. With one final thrust Chris fell on top of Ana careful to not but his full weight on her. Breathless he looked at her, "was that okay.?" Ana giggled, "that was more than okay." He carefully removed himself and laid down next to her so they could catch their breath.

Once they were able to breath normal again Chris got up and made his way to the bathroom to get Ana a washcloth. After cleaning themselves up he got back in bed wrapping Ana into his arms. She trialed her fingers up and down his chest. Sex with Chris was so much more different than the sex she experienced before. The guys she slept with never took care of her needs. They only focused on getting their release. But Chris was different, he was sweet and tender and took his time with her. She looked at him to find he was already looking at her. She blushed and moved her head into his chest. He chuckled, "hey don't hide from me sweetheart." He cupped her chin so she could look at him. She smiled, "that was the best way to wake up."

Chris smiled and laughed, "it most certainly was." He kissed her again before moving her on top of him. He ran his hands up and down her back before cupping her ass. He gave her a quick smack on the ass causing her to yelp. She pulled back, "did you just spank me.?" Chris laughed as he rubbed the spot he spanked, "I did. Did you like it." Ana blushed, "maybe..." Chris smirked and spanked her again, "I think you did." Ana leaned down to kiss and nip at his neck. If he could spank her then she was going to leave a mark on him.

Chris felt Ana sucking on his neck as he chuckled, "ease up little vampire, I still have press to do." Ana groaned as she removed her lips from his neck. She pouted before she started to roll off of Chris but he gripped her hips keeping her in place. He gently lifted her up enough so he could line his already hard again cock up with her entrance. He eased her down on to him as she moaned feeling him stretch her out. "Fuck Chris." He started thrusting up into her harder and faster. Her moans echoing throughout the room as she scratched Chris up and down his chest.

And that was way they spent the rest of their morning.

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