An Ex Returns

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Chris had been gone for two weeks now. He was on his press tour for The Gray Man. And the premier was in a few days. Unfortunately, Ana couldn't go to the premier.

Once Chris and Ana had gotten back from New York, the law firm Ana worked at took on a big case. It was high profile and needed all hands on deck. Ana had been working late nights but made sure to always answer Chris's calls and texts.

The morning of the premier Ana made sure to send Chris a care package. She sent him a package of Starburst jellybeans, a bottle of whiskey, and a teddy bear with a fake mustache on it.

Chris laughed as he took a picture and texted Ana.

—Friday 10:37am—

Thanks baby. Does this mean
You want me to grow
The mustache back?

I wouldn't object to it.

Things were going well for Chris and Ana. Before he left he made sure to give her a key to his place. They were lucky that the media were respecting their wishes and leaving them alone.

However, since Chris was in L.A that meant he was being hounded by paparazzi. Every where he went he was being shouted at. He was counting down the days when he could return to Ana.

As Chris was getting ready he got a call from Ana. He smiled as he answered, he melted as soon as he heard her voice.

"Hey babe."

Ana smiled as she heard his voice, "hey honey, just wanted to check in see how you're doing?"

Chris played with his necklace, "I'm doing well so far. But starting to get anxious."

Ana frowned, "I'm sorry, Chris. I wish I could be there with you."

"Hey it's okay love. I know you have to work. I understand. I wish you were here too. But you can always come with me to my next movie premier."

Ana laughed, "sounds like a plan. I hope you have fun tonight."

Chris chuckled, "I won't have as much fun considering you won't be here."

Ana signed, "I know but try to have fun and if you get lonely just cuddle with the bear I got you."

Chris laughed, "I supposed but I'd rather cuddle you."

A knock on his door interrupted his conversation, "I have go babe but I'll call you after. If you are still awake."

Ana giggled, "well even if I'm asleep I'll answer the phone. Bye babe."

They both stayed silent for a moment. Those three little words were hanging in the air. Neither wanted to say it over the phone considering it would be the first time. But they both felt it. Despite only being together for more than a month.

Chris never felt this way before. He couldn't wait to get home to his girl. He was in love. And so was she.
Chris sat talking to Ana de Armas and Ryan Gosling at the after party. The premier was great and had a great audience reaction. Chris couldn't wait for it to finally be out.

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