Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I sat on the steps, leaning against the stairwell, as I fought to keep my visions back. Sweat poured down my forehead and Fred sat next to me." You can do it Haylee" he told me, not really helping. I had been sitting here almost half the summer, trying to keep them under control but it wasn't easy. I closed my eyes as a vision shot through my head. I fell sideways and landed on the floor with a thud.

" you alright Haylee?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, getting back up." I'm Fred, like always, I'm fine" I mumbled before walking toward the kitchen, where Mrs. Weasley was making lunch. She glanced over a me and sdmiked" Oh, Haylee, would you mind stirring"

" not at all" I told her before pulling out my wand and flicking it twice. The bowl and spoon started moving on their own and Molly nodded before going over to the sink. For almost the whole summer, I had been with the Weasley's here at Number 12, Grimmauld place, which was a secret base for the order of the phoenix. Dumbledore had formed it back when Voldemort was in power, the first time. I heard footsteps and looked over just as my best friend Fefe, came into the kitchen carrying a bag of skittles.

Fefe was Dumbledore's adopted daughter from America, I had met her in my first year at Hogwarts of witchcraft and wizardry, along with my other friends, Corith Semmings, Vincent Jackson and Leah Azel. We were all in separate houses but we got along great. Leah was a Slytherin, Vince was a Hufflepuff, Corith was a ravenclaw and, Fefe and I were Griffindors.

I concentrated on stirring the spoon, until Mrs. Weasley told me to stop. I placed the bowl on the counter. We weren't really supposed to use magic but I got away with it because until the time I was 11, people thought I was dead so the trace faded away, I could also apparate but I chose not to because I got hurt the first time I tried, I still a scar on my arm from that to.

My godfather, Severus Snape came!e into the kitchen and I frowned" time to go home, already" I asked and he shook his head." Your brother got himself in trouble again"

" not surprising, what did he do this time?"

" used magic outside of school"

" what spell" Asked Mrs. Weasley and Lupin appeared behind him" the patronus Charm" and my eyes widened.

" Damentors?" I asked shocked and he nodded" quite a powerful one acrroding to -"

" no, I don't want Haylee involved in this" snapped Snape and I glared at him before getting up from my spot next to Fefe, on the table." I'm already involved" I pointed out and he crossed his arms. Fred and George appearated, Making Molly jump and drop the pan, she was washing. Sirius appeared and stood next to Lupin, both looking at me as if they had seen a ghost." Why won't you let me help, Severus" I asked and their faces went pale white." If its because of the vision I had at the end of last year, I'm fine and it won't happen until my 17th birthday, so what's the harm?"

" the harm is Haylee, that if The dark lord gets ahold of you, Harry will-" Mrs. Weasley stepped toward him and snapped, Cutting him off" no, their just children, you maybe her godfather, Severus but I am putting my foot down" we all stared in shock at Mrs. Weasley, no one said and word and she smiled" now, Everyone, unless your an order member, out of the kitchen" we all left the room and I went upstairs, passing Kreacher the house elf, on the way up the stairs.

I was almost to the room, I was sharing with Ginny and Hermione, when I stumbled sideways, holding the scar on my neck. I closed my eyes, forcing him out of my head and the pain lessened but I gasped as I was pulled into a vision.

I was laying in a bed with a blanket pulled up to my shoulders, Harry sat next to me, holding my hand." Haylee, what am I supposed to tell them"

" tell them....tell them my story, Harry, tell them about how I grew up, how I got the best friends I could I ever have, them the story, I never will " Harry had tears in his eyes and wiped one away as it fell." Don't cry, Harry, smile, you look just like mom when you do"

I slid to the floor covering my mouth with my hand, as tears filled my eyes. I heard footsteps and Fred sat next to me." What did you see, Haylee"

" death, I saw death" I mumbled and he pulled me closer." I'm scared Fred" I admitted and he whispered" I know, Haylee, I know and I'm right here, with you"

" why did it have to be me, why do I have to be the one with this curse" he didn't answer.

Haylee Potter and the Order of the pheonixWhere stories live. Discover now