Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The dreams had gotten worse to point of where I could actually see him. I knew he was getting impatient but no matter what, he would not get what he wanted. I barely slept and it seemed like the only thing that kept me fighting was the thought that my brother could live another day not knowing what he wanted out of my head.

I had finally forgiven Severus who was trying to help me, but it seemed like nothing worked, at one point that week I found myself actually falling asleep in divination, which was now being taught by a centaur named Firenze, I had woken up screaming causing everyone to give me confused looks.

When anyone would ask about it, I would just give an excuse. Harry actually confronted me about it and I told him why I wasn't getting sleep. He asked if Voldemort had gave anything away but I always shook my head in response.

O.W.L.s had finally arrived and it seemed Umbridge was keeping quite about me being the hier of Fidas but soon enough it would come out and the the whole world would know.

While everyone else was trying to remembering everything I sat rubbing my temples and rolling my aching neck." Haylee, aren't you going to study" Hermione asked and I shook my head." I've got everything I need in my head, but I'm just so tired" I mumbled and she frowned.

Our morning Charms exam came and I flew through it with ease, but the evening one was even easier, I even got extra points for producing a patronus.After that was Transfiguration, which also got extra points on for turning into an owl. On Friday I took my ancient runes exams. Next was Magical creatures which I managed to ace using my charm with dangerous creatures, though demonstrating the proper way to handle a bowtruckle, proved difficult because it kept climbing on my shoulder.

The fire crab kept following me around so it was easy to clean. My easiest one was Divination, I had predicted that my examiner would would discover something about themselves that that they never knew before and then grow old to live a happy life before passing away in their sleep. I wasn't taking astronomy so I was free for the rest of the evening.

My next exam was history of magic, which I finished n thyself the time anyone else did but as I set down my quill, a chuckle filled my mind and I found myself in dark room watching as someone was tortured over and over again.

I quickly blocked my mind to him and I was back in Great Hall. I sighed and looked around to see everyone still writing away but I looked over just as Harry fell out his desk holding his forehead screaming in pain. I ran over to him as everyone gathered around him. I helped the examiner get him out into the hallway. After telling old wizard that I would take him to the hospital wing and that we had already finished our exams we waited for him to leave before Harry quickly told me what he had seen.

" I saw it too Harry but what can we do"

" We have to tell Mcgonagall" he told me and we took off running for the hospital wing. They had tried to sack Hagrid last night and Mcgonagall had tried to help him but they had stunned her several times in the chest.When we got to the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey told us that she had been transferred to St. Mungo's.

Harry went to find Hermione and Ron, while I went to find a private place to write in the diary. I ended up settling with with my spot by the lake. I pulled out the little black book and a quill before writing.

Let him go

Did you not like the little vision you and brother shared

I know what your doing and it work

Of course it will, we both know it will Haylee Potter, your brother is doing just what I know he will and you being the loyal little sister you are, you'll follow behind him

Dumbledore will stop you and Harry will win

Then with that I closed the book, just as Umbridge came down from the school with Hermione and Harry, all three walking toward the forest. I frowned before turning into an owl and flying after them. Hermione seemed to be the only one who noticed me because I noticed a small smirk on her face.

I changed back before hiding behind a tree. I followed them to a clearing, Hermione kept yelling like she wanted to be heard and few minutes later, a bunch of centaurs appeared and shot at them. One carried Umbridge off and the rest continued to question Harry and Hermione.

Something grabbed me from behind and asked" What about this one, she was following them" Harry looked over shocked.

" Haylee"

" I've heard tales of this human, dragons do not burn her, werewolves do not harm her, even the most dangerous do not come near her" I was dropped next to Harry and I looked up at the Centaur who had spoken with a frown.

" We know who you are Haylee Potter, descendant of Fidas. Hanna was a great friend to our kind and you are as well"

" but what did she do that makes all creatures this way"

" Hanna loved nature and did what ever she could to help, this forest she planted almost every tree, gave us a home. We knew her for that and will never forget her."

" but then why did she want her memory erased from Hogwarts, if everyone loved her why take away her memory"

" because Miss Potter, a great secret needed to be kept from the world, What secret"

" even that we do not know" then with that they were gone." Hanna, kept th houses together, why would someone poison her" I mumbled.

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