Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

On Monday Umbridge was in potions and I was sitting next to Fefe. She started asking him questions and my eyes widened as his eyes narrowed at her.

" long have you been teaching at hogwarts"

" 14 years"

" you applied for the Defense against the dark arts post, I believe"

" yes"

" but you were unsuccessful"

" Obviously"

She started talking with some of the students and Harry got in trouble...again. In Divination Trelawney was hysterical and sat on her chair in tears. While everyone else stared at her, I got up and went over to her." Are you alright, Professor" I asked and she looked at me.

" No dear, just go vavk to your work" I patted her hand before walking back over to my seat. Trelawney walked around the room in tears and I wondered if what I saw in her teacup was true.

After lessons, I went to Dumbledore and, told him that I was worried about Treasury and what I saw in the teacup but he told me everything would be fine. The first Quidditch match was getting closer and I was getting worried, Fred seemed to notice but didn't ask about it.

I had suggested the room of requirement so now there we all stood, in the room of requirement practising spells. Since I didn't really need the practise I was helping the others.Harry was helping Neville and he seemed distracted, we agreed to meet every other day and Hermione came up with the idea of using galleons.

The first Quidditch game arrived and I followed the others to the pitch. My Nimbus 2001 in hand Fred touched my shoulder as the cheering grew louder." You'll do great Haylee, just breath" he told me and I nodded. We mounted our brooms and I followed behind Angelina and Katie.

The game began and Lee Jordan's commentary filled the stadium." Looks like Gryffindor has gained not just one Potter but both, Slytherin better look out because Chaser Haylee Potter of the Gryffindor team has just been given the quaffle"

I looked behind me to see two Slytherin chasers and smirked leaning forward on my broom zooming toward the goal posts. I tossed it in the air and Katie caught the quaffle before throwing it through one of the goals." And the lovely Haylee scores for Gryffindor, 40-10" I flew passed Ron who wasn't doing so well with that stupid song being sang.

Someone flew over next to me and o looked to see Draco who smiled at me." Haylee-" but I had already flew off to get the quaffle from Katie and Angelina. Gryffindor cheered and I looked over just as Harry was hit with a bluster. My eyes widened and I flew over to him as the whole stadium was filled with cheers.

We had won, I caught Harry on the back of my broom and I loomed at him." you alright, Harry" I asked and he nodded.

" thanks Haylee" he told me as we landed. Draco started making comments about Ron's family and, Harry and George threw themselves at him. They were pulled off of Draco who was whinning in pain. I rolled my eyes" you deserve that broken nose" I mumbled before pulling out my wand and aiming at his face." Episkey" I muttered and his nose snapped back into place causing him to grab his face in pain." Oh and one more thing Malfoy, if you ever insult my mother again, it won't be just a punch to the face" he gulped and I walked away.

Over the next few days it snowed and Hagrid was back at Hogwarts, our first lesson with him was over a scaly creature, known as a threstle. Tunbridge spent the whole lesson treating him like he was stupid. She even started asking questions about them and asked us who we had seen die. One of threatens came over to me and I frowned, reaching up I touched it's nose and it snorted at me making me smile.

" their beautiful" I mumbled and Umbridge frowned at me." Who is it that you saw die, Miss potter" I glared at her.

" my mum" Harry looked over at me and I saw sadness in his eyes. Christmas came and I decided to stay again not really wanting to go home where I would be a target by living with Snape. Harry had, bad a dream about Mr. Weasley being attacked by a giant so I was alone at Hogwarts this year.

On Christmas, I received:

another charm from Draco which I happily clipped to my bracelet, this one was a golden snitch.

From Hermione I received a book on famous prophecies

From Ron, I got pack of chocolate frogs

From Fred and George I got a pack berty bots every flavor beans and a pack of cauldron cakes.

From Mrs. Weasley, I got a silver sweater with a purple 'H' on it and a tin of fudge.

From Snape, I got photo of my mother from when she was kid

From Harry, I got a letter telling me that he wished I was there to spend Christmas with him, and that was one of the best to know my brother missed and loved me.

From Lupin and Sirius, I got a picture of my father.

But there was one more, this one wasn't adressed from anyone but was wrapped in a green and silver. I took this one to Mcgonagall who opened it carefully just incase, inside was a black book, a diary.

Dumbledore inspected carefully, incase it was like the one from my second year but it was just a normal book but written on the inside cover was

To H. Potter from T. Riddle, Dumbledore said it was safe but what I didn't get was the date it was written from...July 31 1980, the day Harry and I were born.

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