Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Why would he do that, I know last year he said he was in love with me but I couldn't trust him, I mean what if he was just using me. The next day we were given a ton of homework, which I finished within a matter of minutes. In Care of Magical creatures, we had to draw a creature which was called a bowtruckle, I reached to grab one but they all swarmed around me and my eyes widened, as did Professor Grubbly-Plank's. They pulled at my robes and I sighed." why does this always happen to me?" I mumbled. I picked one up and it climbed up my arm to my shoulder. I started drawing it, trying to ignore the ones that were still swarmed around me and pulling on my robes.

I was almost done when Grubbly-plank came over to me." strange, there's no record of them doing things like this, what did you do Miss Potter"

" its just something that happens. The dragon last year, let me right passed. Didn't even lift a claw to hurt me."

"seems you have a talent, Miss Potter" She told me before walking away." yeah...something like that" I mumbled when she was out of earshot. On Friday, I tried out for the Quidditch team and when I walked onto the pitch with my nimbus, Fred and George ran over in shock." Haylee, are you trying to make yourself go crazy. Your already a prefect, you have O.W.L.s this year and you need to train your inner eye, how are you going to manage it all"

" lets see, photographic memory, I have detention tomorrow because of Umbridge and Ron's a prefect too, why are you guys so worried" they looked at each other with red faces before running off. I rolled my eyes before going over to Angelina. Her eyes widened when she saw me." well, I thought I'd never see the day, Haylee potter  trying out for the team"

" why is everyone so surprised" I asked and she smirked" what position you trying for"

" chaser" I told her and she smiled." think your fast enough"

" I think I can handle it"

"alright, show me what you got"

I showed her alright, and I got the Quaffle  in every time, which meant I was on the team. When I landed, Fred and George tackled me in hugs, Ron made keeper and we went back to the tower to celebrate. On Saturday, I went to Umbridges Office for my detention. The walls were completely pink and pictures of cats covered the walls. She sat behind her desk, calmly sipping a cup of tea." Ah Miss Potter. please, have a seat"

" Professor Umbridge, I was hoping I could reschedule my detention for tomorrow, because I have something very important to do that I cant reschedule" she set down her tea with a frown.

" and what, Miss potter could possibly be more important then a punishment you rightfully disserve"

" Divination lessons, Professor Umbridge" I told her and her eyes narrowed" and why would you need these lessons, Miss Potter"

" I cant tell you, Professor, its between me, Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Trelawney"

" then it seems if you cant tell me, you'll have to do Detention"

" but-" I went to say but she cut me off." I want you to write, I will not be late and I will not lie, Professor Umbridge"

" but I wasn't lying, I can prove it"

" sit. Down, Miss Potter" she snapped and we glared at each other. I sat down and she handed me a Quill and a piece of parchment, but no ink." you didn't give me any ink" I told her and she smiled" you wont be needing any" I frowned but started writing. After a few minutes, I winced in pain and looked over to see that I now had cuts all over the back of my hand. I looked at her in shock and she looked up with a smile" is something wrong Miss Potter"

" no, nothing" I muttered before looking back at the paper. Was the ministry actually letting her torture us, did they even know about this? I continued to write and when she finally told me to stop my hand was bright red. I left her office and was about to go in the direction of Severus's office but stopped, I wasn't ready to forgive him yet, even if he had no choice. I went back to the common room, to find it empty, so I went down to see if the others were practicing but as I walked onto the field a Quaffle came at my head, but I ducked at the last second." sorry, Haylee" I heard Ron call out from above and I rolled my eyes before going to get my broom and uniform from the changing rooms. When I came out, I took off catching the Quaffle as it was thrown to me." nice catch Haylee, Angelina called out and I smiled before tossing it in the air and hitting it with the back of my broom, It shot towards Ron who ducked, the Quaffle flew threw the goals and I heard George call out." nice shot, Haylee"

" but isn't that the move the Slytherins use" Fred asked and I shrugged. We continued to practice but the whole time a bunch of Slytherins, led by Draco taunted everyone but mostly Ron.

Since we already had two chasers, I decided to teach Draco a lesson, when the Quaffle was passed to me I pretended to miss it and it flew straight at his head, His eyes widened and he ducked. When he looked back at me his eyes were narrowed, but when he saw who had thrown it he gave me a sad look. When I came out of the changing rooms, Draco was waiting." Haylee, please let me explain"

" explain what? That you didn't want to wait until I gave you an answer, until I was ready, well guess what I don't want to hear it, because here is your answer Draco, my answer is no" I turned to walk off but he grabbed my hand, only to find himself on the ground." why Haylee, I know it wasn't because of the kiss, what is so bad about being more then friends"

" You'll understand by the end of the year" I mumbled before walking off.

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