Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The next morning, I got dressed, pulled on my shoulder bag, and stood in front of the mirror." Hogwarts, here we come" I mumbled. True to Mrs. Weasley's word, when I came down for breakfast, my luggage, Goldie's cage and my broom were sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I thanked bill who nodded smiling at me. Harry came downstairs but I avoided his gaze, making him frown.

Once everyone was downstairs, we left Grimmauld and I laughed as Sirius jumped around happily in his dog form. A few minutes later we arrived at King's cross station and Moody arrived with our luggage. Goldie cooed at me in frustration, not liking her cage one bit and I laughed. We climbed on the train and I grabbed Ron pulling him off to start our prefect duties. A few hours later, I was walking near the Slytherin cart when, Draco appeared. " Haylee, what are you doing wandering the train"

" I'm a prefect, Draco, I haven't to patrol the train" I explained and his eyes widened, pointing to his own badge" me too" after another hour, I went to the prefect carrdige and sat down next to the window, after changing into my uniform. The train stopped and I climbed off, but stopped when I noticed scaly black creatures were pulling the caridges." Threstles" I mumbled reaching out and touching side of one. I climbed in the craridge with the others and smiled at the blonde who looked around dreamily" Ive been able to see them since my first day here. They've always pulled the carridges, Don't worry. You're just as sane as I am"

Quick author's note: how many of you love that line, its like one of the best ones, am I right? Anyway continue....

When the cartridge stopped in front of the castle, I followed the others inside but was stopped by Professor Snape. The others stopped and I smiled" I'll be in, in a minute" they nodded and went into the Great Hall. I crossed my arms and frowned at him." Haylee, I understand your mad but-"

" you left me in Diagon Alley, you said to meet you back at that spot in an hour, I sat there for two" I mumbled and he sighed." I'm sorry, Haylee"

" just forget it" I mumbled before going into the Great Hall and sitting next to Fefe. I waved at Leah, Corith and Vincent and they smiled. Professor McGonagall came in with the 1st years and the sorting hat sang its song. The food appeared but I wasn't really that hungry as I picked at my potatoes. I heard Nearly headless Nick talk about the hat's warning and harry mutter " Fat chance" as they said something about the houses being friends. Reaching over, I sacked him upside the head." Ow, what that for?" He cried and raised an eyebrow.

" open your eyes, Harry James Potter " he gulped" what house is Leah in"

" Slytherin" he mumbled

" what house is corith in "

" ravenclaw" Hermione said getting at what I was saying

" Vincent"

" Hufflepuff" Ron mumblrd

" fefe and me"

" Griffindor" they all said and I nodded" then its possible, the houses can be friends, if they just try to get along"

" says the girl who has a possibility for the future of the mysterious 5th house" Fred said joining in and I rolled my eyes." That has nothing to with it, just because I could rebuild the lost house, doesnt mean anything"

" she's in denial" George mumbled and I glared at him, before shoving a piece of chicken in my mouth. The food disappeared and Dumbledore stood up, pretty much saying the same things he did every year. He introduced the new DADA teacher, who looked like a fat pink toad. He was about to say more when she interrupted him. This lady did not know how things worked at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

What felt like an hour later, she finally sat back down after giving a speach about fixing thing at Hogwarts, and I could already tell....I did not like her.

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