Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Rumors of an heir to the fifth house wasn't the only thing being talked about, Umbridge had been made high inquisitor of Hogwarts. The teachers were also being inspected and the first class we saw her in was Trelawney's class. I sat down in the front row like usual with Fefe, who was quickly ,making up dream in her journal, which made me laugh a little. I pulled out mine and flipped through it but froze when I saw Umbridge seat herself behind Trelawney. Trelawney smiled handing me a book, mumbling low enough for only me to hear." Meet after lessons for our lesson" I nodded and she walked over to the next student. Umbridge seemed to glare at me but I ignored her. I handed my dream journal to Fefe who stared at it in shock." you've been dreaming about-" She tried to ask but I cut her off." their just dreams, nothing more" I told her before opening her Journal.

" but Dumbledore would want to know"

" he already does, remember and he says their nothing to worry about"

" Haylee, what if it has something to do with what you saw at the end of last year"

" I don't want to talk about it, besides it doesn't have anything to do with my dreams."

" then tell me this, why wont you tell anyone what you saw"

" because its no ones business what I saw" I told her, ending the conversation but she wasn't done" ok fine, don't tell me but will you at least show me the common room, please"

" alright but its going to have to wait until Saturday" I told her and she smiled" meet me after lunch on Saturday on the seventh floor with Vincent, Corith, and Leah" she nodded and we started to work with the journals. Next was DADA, which I'm not even going to mention, just know I didn't get detention( see what I did there lol) During lunch, I watched Harry get yelled a,t not just by Angelina but Professor Mcgonagall as well, for getting another Detention. Next I had Ancient Runes, yes I was taking runes, the one class that was easy and all I had to do was memorize, after that I had Transfiguration, one class I was waiting for because I knew I was about to see Umbridge get silenced by.... the glare. I sat in the front row, practicing the Vanishing Spell and, watching Umbridge and McGonagall. Every time she would go to tell us some Umbridge would interrupt her, she finally got tired of it and looked at Umbridge." how can you expect to gain an idea of usual teaching methods if you continue to interrupt me? You see, I do not generally permit people to talk when I am talking. "

I smirked before looking back at the mouse, pointing my wand I muttered the spell and the mouse disappeared. Next was Care Of Magical Creatures, Umbridge started to ask about Hagrid and guess who, just had to open their mouth about the hippogriff, Draco Lucius Malfoy." that would be me and Haylee, we got slashed by a Hippogriff"

" is this true Miss Potter, A hippogriff"

" no, it was just my luck, normal animals hate me" I told her glaring at Draco, but she was already scribbling away on her clipboard. I went over to Draco and wacked him up side the head." you had to bring up the hippogriff, seriously" I asked and he smiled innocently. After Lessons, I climbed up the later and into the Divination classroom. Trelawney sat sipping a cup of tea next to the fireplace, the lights were off and the only source of light besides the fireplace was a glowing a crystal ball on the table next to her." Good evening, Miss potter" she told me and I nodded." please, have a seat" she told and I sat across from her." look into the crystal and tell me what you see" I did as she said as I looked the swirling clods seemed to take form." I see you" I told her and she nodded" what else"

" your outside in the court yard and you seem to be upset about something"

" who else is there"

" Professor McGonagall, she's yelling at someone and I see...." before I could finish a I saw another form." wait, its changing. I see....I see Dumbledore and he looks so sad, there's a bunch of people there I've never seen before." there was a flash of green and I looked away, Professor Trelawney touched my hand." do not be frightened of what can not be changed, Miss Potter"

" but Dumbledore, he..."

" will not scared when the time comes, only saddened for he wont be able to see the rest of us grow. Always remember Haylee, the only path we get to choose is our own. Don't cry for those who have already gone but those who must stay" she poured me a cup of tea and smiled." tea calms the mind Haylee and only calmness will help the mind flow" I smiled sipping the tea before saying." have you read tea leaves lately professor" she chuckled.

" would mind reading them" I nodded and took her cup. I turned it upside down and looked at what was left." Your going to be very sad and will be going on a short journey" the small smile she always had disappeared and I wondered why.

Haylee Potter and the Order of the pheonixWhere stories live. Discover now