chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I covered my ears as Tonks tripped over the umbrella stand. Then the yelling began." Filth! Scum! By-products of dirt and vileness! Half-breeds, mutants, freaks, begone from this place! How dare you befoul the house of my fathers-"

I got up from my place on the stairs and glared at the picture which made it stop." So i see that a true Slytherin has come to the most noble house of black" I frowned and it continued" such a lovely girl, I can see that Slytherin blood runs through you, but I know your a half blood just like all these other pieces of dirt but your different, which side does the great line run from? Your mother- "

" shut up you old hag" I heard someone say and looked over to see Sirius. He ran over and closed the curtains, with lupin's help. I followed them into the kitchen and went over to help Mrs. Weasley." Thank you Haylee" she told me as I set the table, with a wave of my wand. I sat down and Goldie landed next to me, with a letter on her beak. I took the letter to see that it was from Professor Trelawney, I rolled my eyes but opened it anyway.

Dear Miss Potter
Headmaster Dumbledore has requested that I begin giving you,
private lessons, to control your visions. Your first lesson will take
place on the first Saturday of the school year.

I dropped the letter before grabbing my head in frustration." You alright Haylee" Hermione asked before looking at the letter.

" private lessons? With Trelawney, but she's a fake"

" no, she isn't Hermione but she is the only one who can help me" I mumbled before crumbling up the letter. I jumped as I heard crash and looked over as Mrs. Weasley started yelling at Fred and George, and I chuckled at Harry's expression and he rolled his eyes. Everyone sat down for dinner and I was reaching for a bowl when Severus appeared in the doorway." Haylee, time to go home" I sighed before getting up. I waved bye to harry and the others before, following him through the door.

" your letter came today" he told me holding out a letter with the Hogwarts crest on it. I took it and tucked it away in my bag for later. He peaked outside and looked around before pulling me out the door. I grabbed his arm and we appereated back to Spinners end.

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