chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I'm back and here it is chapter 12, sorry it so long but I finally remembered what I was putting in this chapter so enjoy

I walked the hallways during my free period, and was almost to the room of requirement when Filtch appeared with his cat." Shouldn't you be in Class, Miss Potter"

" I have a free period, Mister Filtch" I told him and his cat hissed at me." very well then, Carry on" he told me before he walked away. I shrugged and kept walking. A few minutes later, I sat down on the couch in front of Hanna's portrait." you haven't been visiting Haylee"

" I'm sorry Hanna, I've just been really busy lately, I've been studying for O.W.Ls"

" I remember those well, all O's I hope"

" all but one class"

" which one"


She was silent while she thought it over before saying." this professor, who is she"

" Dolores Umbridge, she works with the ministry"

" she sounds offal"

" she wont teach us any defensive spells"

" then it seems, you must teach yourself" she told me and I frowned. I left the common room and went to Potions. On our First Hogsmeade trip, I went with Leah, Vincent, Corith and Fefe to the hogshead where Hermione, Ron and Harry were holding a meeting about DADA lessons. Hermione started off by explaining why we were here, which led to her saying Voldemort and a lot of people freaked out. A kid named Zacharias Smith, started calling me and my brother a liar so I got up and punched him in the face, causing everyone to look at me in shock." anyone else want to call me and my brother a liar" no one said a word and I sat back down. They continued and someone pointed out that Harry could do a Patronus and all the thing he had done over the years. I joined in by saying " Don't forget the time he saved me and Hermione from a troll in our first year" there were nods and mumbles throughout the room but harry interrupted.

" but, I had a lot of help with all that stuff" Everyone finally agreed and I smiled, mumbling." and so it begins" I noticed Harry look at me and I smiled, watching as everyone signed their names on a piece of Parchment. Once everyone had signed, I got up and took the quill from Hermione but as I was signing, Hermione stopped me." Haylee, what's that on your hand" I looked down to see the scar from where Umbridge's quill had cut me." nothing, that happened when I fell down the stairs last year"

She raised an eyebrow" your a terrible liar" she grabbed my hand and her eyes widened. I quickly signed the parchment before walking over to Leah, Vincent, Corith and Fefe. One Saturday, as promised, I showed my four friends to the secret common room but stopped them at the door which made them all look at me confused." what I'm about to show you, must never be showed to anyone" they looked at each other before nodding. I let him pass and I quickly followed closing the door, I turned to see them all looking at the portrait in wonder." Welcome to the common room of Fidas, its a pleasure to meet you"  Hanna smiled and they looked at each other. Vincent looked at me" so this is the legacy you'll have to carry on"

" yep, but I'm not the only one who has a legacy to carry" I told them before walking over and sitting down." Felicity Nicolette Dumbledore, Descendant of Gryffindor" Hanna smiled and her Fefe's eyes widened.

" Vincent Smith Jackson,  Descendant of Hufflepuff" his face went pale

" Corith Abigail Semmings, Descendant of Ravenclaw" she smiled her hair a bright yellow while her eyes turned a rainbow flashed different colors. I looked at Leah to see her face full of fear." Leah Kathea Azel, descendant of Slytherin"

"Haylee Lily Potter, Descendant of Fidas, you have all been brought together not just in friendship but to undo the wrongs and make them right." Vincent, Fefe, Corith and Leah all sat on the couches around the fireplace as she spoke, all listening but Leah still looked sort of scared." your fate's are now one, to bring the houses back together but you must be careful, for you are not the only ones who know of the bond you all share or the destinies all of you have, do you except this task you all have been given" we looked at each other and smiled.

" yes" we told her and she smiled" good luck children, make your ancestors proud" her portrait froze and I took Leah's hand." it doesn't matter who your father is Leah"

" At least I have one thing out of it, I have you as a cousin" I smiled and hugged her, Corith,Vincent and Fefe soon joined in and after a few more minutes we left the room of requirement.

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