Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I sat at the top of the stairs, waiting for the order members to come back with Harry. Goldie landed next to me with a letter in her beak, I grabbed it and opened it to see a letter from Draco. I frowned be looking at Goldie" I thought, you didn't like him" I mumbled and she cooed at me.

" I know he asked me but I'm just not sure" she cooed again before pecking me in the wrist, where my bracelet was." I don't think its any of your business of why I still wear it" she gave me a look and I sighed" fine, but if its another letter about why I'm not talking with him, you get no treats, you silly little owl." She blinked at me and I opened the letter.

Dear Haylee
I know that your mad at me, but I don't know what I did
please talk to me, your making me worry. Ive also sent you
Your, sorry, very late Birthday present.

Sincerely Draco Malfoy

I frowned before reaching into the invelope, I pulled out a small charm and smiled. It was a ferret, on a little purple ball. I clipped it to the bracelet and smiled as it hung there with the others. There were three other charms on the bracelet, A lily, an owl and a heart." Why do you have to make this choice so difficult, Draco" I mumbled just as I heard the front door open. I stood up and smiled as my brother came around the corner. I tackled him and he gasped" Haylee" I laughed at his expression and he rolled his eyes. I noticed his hair was still messy and tried to flatten it but it just sprang right back up." Your hair..." I mumbled and he rolled his eyes.

" I know I've tried" he mumbled swatting my hands away. I rolled my eyes before we went upstairs." Haylee, why haven't you been talking to me all summer"

" I couldn't harry, Dumbledore forebade it and your not the only one in the dark, The order won't tell me anything, especially since the vision I had at the end of last year"

" why, what did you see"

" its not important, I'll tell you later " I mumbled just as we reached the door. It flew open and Hermione grabbed Harry pulling him into a hug. I laughed before turning to go back down the stairs, just as Severus came in the front door." We need to talk about yesterday, Haylee" he told me and I crossed my arms." There's nothing to talk about"

" yes, there is Haylee, there so much I would like to tell you, but your too young"

" I'm 15, Severus and I've faced more at Hogwarts then in my whole life" I sat on the stairs and let out a sigh." Wandless magic at 11, parselmouth at 12, Animagus at 13, Seer at 14, I could do a full body patronus and not get caught, these are things normal people would find impossible but for me, their only a few"

He smiled" you forgot one, Haylee he pointed out and I frowned. He tapped my forehead, mumbling" you also know legilimency and Occlumency"

" so what, none of it matters, if I die before my 18th birthday " I told him getting up." Your not going to die, Haylee"

" how do you know, How do you know that I won't just get sick and collapse, just like Hanna did" I snapped and he sighed" because, your not her, Haylee. What happened all those years ago, won't happen again. Things are different now, plus there is one difference between you and her"

" and what that?"

" your friends won't abandon you and I promised your mother, I wouldn't let you get hurt"

" you can't protect me forever, Severus" I frowned and he hugged me." Besides, I'm in no danger as long Im here" he nodded before going back into the kitchen. I sat on the step but the moment, I heard the door close, I was pulled into a vision.

" the wand cannot serve me properly, Severus" a cold voice told the black eyes man and I knew what I was seeing." Because I am not its true master. The wandb belongs to the wizard who killed its owner. You killed Albus Dumbledore. While you live, Severus, the wand cannot truly be mine"

I watched from the shadows as Voldemort, killed Severus.

I sat in shock and didn't even notice that I was crying until I felt something on my hand.

Haylee Potter and the Order of the pheonixWhere stories live. Discover now