Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I sat next Fefe and we were currently discussing her latest dream about marrying Ron and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, once she explained her dream, it was my turn but before I could say anything Trelawney came over to our table." Miss Potter, may I have a word with you after class" she asked and I nodded, then went I on to explaining that I hadn't dreamt of anything but of what happened last year in the maze.

When class ended, I stayed behind." It seems, you may not be able to join me on Saturday, Miss potter"

" why not?" I asked confused and she smiled" you best not be late, Miss Potter" shrugging, I left the room and went to my next class. I walked in just as class was starting and Umbridge looked at me with a frown." Your late, miss Potter "

" Professor Trelawney wanted to-" but she cut me off" Detention this Saturday, Miss Potter " I stared at her in shock as did everyone else, I never got detention.

" but-" she raised an eyebrow as if wanting me to finish that sentence." I have something to do that day "

" then it can be rescheduled"she told me" now, sit down" glaring at her, I walked over sat next to Draco. She told us to read the first chapter and a moment later, Hermione, Ron and Harry started asking questions, which soon turned into everyone and Harry getting detention. Harry was sent to Professor McGonagall and I raised my hand." Yes, Miss Potter" she asked through gritted teeth.

" I've...already read the whole it alright if I left early" she didn't answer, instead she broke her pointer stick and said in a sweet but scary voice "Just. Go" without another word, I ran out of the room, a smirk on my face. I went down to the lake and sat my bag next to the tree. At dinner that night, Vincent, Fefe, Leah and Corith all sat with me at the end of the Gryffindor table, talking about our summer, leaving out the part about the order of the phoenix. Draco came over to us and Vincent glared at him." what do you want Malfoy" he snapped but Draco ignored him." Haylee, meet me in the entrance hall after curfew when your doing your rounds" I nodded and he walked away.

After curfew I met Draco in the entrance hall, but when I got there he was nervous for some reason." hi Draco, what did you want to talk to me about" I asked and instead of answering he leaned forward and kissed me. My eyes widened with tears and I smacked him across the face.

" why did you do that" I snapped at him and he smiled" I wanted to see your reaction"

" well I hope your happy, because If you ever do that again-" before I could react he had kissed me again" I pushed him away and glared" will you stop that"

" why, Haylee"

" because we're friends nothing more, you know what I shouldn't have even come to meet you" then with that I walked away leaving him standing there with a bright red cheek.

oh it finally happened, the first....and second kiss but will Haylee kiss him back? keep reading to find out, the next chapter will be up as I can get passed this stupid writers block. - ElizabethUnderwood7 (:

Haylee Potter and the Order of the pheonixWhere stories live. Discover now