Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After showing the 1st years to the common room and yelling at ron not to call them midgets, I went to see Dumbledore. Who was waiting in his office with Severus." Miss Potter, how was your first job as prefect"

" had to stop Run from calling them midgets but I'm wondering, why not Hermione or someone else" I asked and he nodded getting up and going over to fawks, his phoenix." Because, Miss Potter, I belive you can keep more order, then muss granger or anyone, plus there is no doubt you will pass your O.W.Ls this year, your a very bright witch, Miss Potter but I also know, this going to be your hardest year."

" I understand, Headmaster and I've noticed Harry is more agitated then usual and angry"

" the connection between him and Voldemort is growing"

" he's using Occlumency, isn't he?" I asked and Dumbledore nodded" I'm afraid so, Miss Potter "

" and it will only get worse" Severus pointed out but I ignored him.

" with that fat pink toad here, Harry has no chance" I mumbled leaning back in the chair and crossing my arms. Dumbledore chuckled and Severus gave a small smile. I looked at my hands and Severus mumbled something about organizing his stores for his classes tomorrow before leaving. One the door closed and his footsteps fadded away, I looked at Dumbledore with a sigh." Headmaster, there is something I need to confess and I don't want Severus knowing"

" you've heard him haven't you, Miss Potter " I nodded.

" and I've seen Severus dieing, but not just him. I've seen Lupin, Tonks, even...."

" who miss Potter?" He asked and I looked at him with tears in my eyes" Harry, I've seen Harry" Dumbledore walked over to me and took my hand." This information must be kept between us, Miss Potter "

" I understand, Headmaster" he nodded and I left the office.

The next day in potions, I finished my potion first, like always and sat reading through the DADA book. Draco looked over my shoulder and we looked at each other in confusion." There are no sperlls in here" I mumbled and he shrugged." Miss Potter, a word" everyone looked up before going back to their potions. I went up to his desk and crossed my arms." Since you've finished early, would mind taking this vial to Professor Umbridge. He handed me a vial of clear liquid and I mumbled" veritaserum" I mumbled confused and he nodded.

" I'm not even going to ask" I mumbled before setting the vial on the desk. I closed my eyes and I felt myself shrink, my arms became wings when I opened my eyes, everyone was watching with smiles as I hopped on the desk, grabbed the vial and flew out the door which, Draco opened for me. I flew through the halls and into the DADA classroom, Umbridge sat at her desk and a bunch 6th year Griffindors and Ravenclaws sat at the desks, reading.

I landed on her desk and she looked up. I set the set the vial on the desk and she smiled but that quickly turned to surprise when I hoped off the desk, transforming in mid-air. I notice Fred and George smirk, and I turned to Umbridge." Thank you Miss.... " she trailed off not knowing my name.

" Potter, Haylee Potter " she nodded still frowning" the magic you used, that very advanced, when did you learn it"

" I actually did it on accident in my Third year, but its easy" I mumbled.

" what else can you do, Miss Potter "

" I have a photographic memory so, pretty much anything" I told her and she nodded" You may go, Miss Potter " I nodded before changing back into an owl and flying off.

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