Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

As we walked the streets, I looked in the windows of the shops, we passed. We stopped in front of Gringotts and Severus turned to me, handing me a small bag of coins." I need to get some potion ingredients, meet back here in an hour and if anything happens, go back to the order, understand" I nodded and he walked off. I sighed before walking towards borgin and Burks, only to run right into a bleach blonde boy with dark eyes.

" hey watch where your-" when he saw me his eyes widened" Haylee?" I smiled before getting up and hugging him. He hugged me back" Why haven't you been writing, I've missed you"

" I've missed you too but its just not something I can tell you, Draco" he nodded in understanding and we walked into the shop. I looked through the shelves, while he told me about his summer. I pulled a book off the sherlf, titled.' Future, Present and past: a guide to future seers'

" how is that going by the way, Haylee" I glanced at him and sighed" not very well, the visions are getting worse"

" what did you see" he asked and I looked at the ground" I saw world I didn't want to live in, there was no light in anyones's faces, I saw people dieing, Draco, Good people" he frowned.

" anyone, I would know"

" I don't want to worry you, and if I say anything more, I'll start crying" he told him, walking to the counter and paying for my books. We left the shop and walked toward The shop, where I had bought Goldie. Draco left, telling me he hoped to see me at school. I went inside and the shopkeeper looked up with a smile." Well well, if it isn't my favorite little red head, Haylee Walters " I laughed.

" nice to see you too"

" what can I get you"

" umm....I've been meaning to ask something about Goldie, when I got her she would throw stuff at me, like she angry"

" hmmm....did you try giving her more treats, petting her, sending on more letter deliveries"

" yes but she would peck me and steal my food"

" try giving more attention, let her out of her cage more, she'll settle down" I nodded with a smile, before I noticed a snake watching me from one of the cages. I noticed all the snakes turn and gulped as they all hissed at me.

Heir of Sssssslytherin, Haylee Potter

I gripped my books and looked around to see that the shopkeeper had gone in the back room, so I hissed back.

I'm not the heir of Slytherin, be quite before someone hears

But you can undersssstand usss, that makessss you the heir

But I'm not, so stop talking to me

The shop keeper came back and frowned" did you need something else, Haylee" I shook my head and ran from the shop. I ran to Gringotts, and sat on the steps, reading my book. I sat there for almost two hours and when Severus didn't show up, I curled into a ball." Where is he" I mumbled and I heard footsteps. I looked around but didn't see anyone, then I saw them.

First there were two, then four. I frowned remembering what Severus said. I closed my eyes imagining Grimmauld place, before turning on the spot and Appareating. I landed on the front steps and ran inside, Sirius came running out of the kitchen." Haylee, what's wrong"

" Severus, told me to wait for him in front of gringotts but he never showed up and I waited for him but...." Tears filled my eyes and Mrs. Weasley ran down stairs" what happened?"

" Snivilius left her in Diagon Alley" he told her and Molly frowned" left her? But then why does she look like she's seen a ghost"

" I was sitting on the steps and a bunch of death eaters showed up, so I came here" he mumbled and she sighed" you did good, Haylee, I'll send Bill after your things, alright" I nodded and followed her upstairs, where Fred and George stood with Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Harry. That night he entered my dreams.

" I should have known, you wouldn't make it easy for me, Haylee Potter but none the less, do you see how easy it would be for me to just take you away without anyone noticing, even your dear godfather wouldn't notice"

" you distracted him, so he would let his guard down, didn't you" I heard a chuckle" my followers told me of the look on your face when they appeared, but sadly they failed in retrieving you"

" what is so important that you tried to kidnap me over"

" I'll let you in on a little secret, Haylee Potter, the memory inside your head, is not a memory at all" then I realized what he wanted as I cried" you want the prophecy of you and my brother, don't you"

" such a smart but foolish girl but yes, and I know you've seen what's to come, so tell me, who will survive"

" I already told you, I don't need my visions to tell me that, I know Harry will win and you will-"

" Silence, you foolish brat, I will win and when I do, your death will not be quick"

" at least, I'll die knowing, I did as my mother asked and protected him"

Haylee Potter and the Order of the pheonixWhere stories live. Discover now