Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Harry and I were trapped in the center of the room with Mr. Malfoy keeping us cornered against the arch. The others were all being held, with wands at their throats, by death eaters.

" give us the prophecies and no will get hutt" Lucius demanded and I glared at him." Don't listen to him Harry, once they get what they want there will be nothing stopping them from killing us all"

Harry looked at the prophecy in his hand and I frowned but a pop made me look over just as I heard someone say." Get away from my godson" I smiled, it was Sirius, then he punched Mr. Malfoy in the face. The prophecy flew out of his hand and broke on the ground. All around us, white puffs of smoke appeared and when they cleared we saw Tonks, Madeye, Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt and the ret of the order of the Phoenix.

Spells flew around us and any death eater that got close to us we shot down." Reducto, Expelliarmus" Harry and I cried together.

" Nice one, James, you too Lily" he laughed but it was cut short as a killing curse hit him in the chest and he stumbled backwards through the veil before his body disappeared from view. Lupin ran to stop Harry but I got to him first grabbing Harry before could running after him. He started screaming and all the fighting stopped." Harry" I called trying to get him to look at me but he fought me.

" Harry stop" I whistled hugging him with all my might he stopped fighting...until he saw Bellatrix running from the room laughing her head off. He broke free and I ran after him." Harry stop" I yelled but he ignored me, to angry to listen. We made back to entrance where Bellatrix was running toward the telephone box.

He hit her in the back with a spell and aimed his wand at her face, I tried to stop him but a pain shot through my scar forcing me to the ground. I could only watch as Voldemort appeared behind Harry." Harry" I yelled as he fell to the ground but Dumbledore appeared out of no where." You made a mistake coming here tonight Tom, the aurors are their way"

" by which time I shall be gone and you...shall be dead" I managed to get behind the statue of the three wicards just as a bolt of green flew over my head. I heard a a crash and looked up just glass rained down on top of me. I pulled out my wand a shield seemed magically appear around me.

" Haylee get to you brother" I heard Dumbledore yell and I looked at him over the base of the fountain. Harry was plastered against the wall trying not to get hit by the effects of Dumbledore and Voldemort's wands. I appareated over to Harry making him jump.

I took Harry's hand and raised my wand creating a shield around us just as a magenta light shot toward us. Water surrounded Voldemort and he disappeared, I stood up and was about to go to Dumbledore's aid when he called out." No Haylee, Stay where you are but it was to late, as it felt like I was being choked and I thrashed around trying to breathe.

Then words escaped me that weren't my own." You''ve lost old man, if you want to save the girl then you'll have to kill me" I tried to breath but it was useless I was going to die. I cried out in pain as I fought for control of my own body and mind. Then I felt it stop and my eyes started closing, that was until I heard a voice, my mothers.

" Mummy loves you Haylee, never forget that. Protect him my Haylee, protect your brother." Then I heard the song, it was quickly replaced by Fred's laugh and air entered my lungs causing me to gasp.

I started coughing and looked up see Dumbledore." Where...Where did he go..., where's Voldemort" I mumbled and looked over as Harry appeared with tears in his eyes but that was the last thong I saw before I passed out.

A few days later, I sat in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, I had told them I was fine but the Madam Pomfery wouldn't hear it. I was alone and I hadn't looked at that prophecy yet but Severus had visited and told me no one even knew I still had it, well except Harry who I had told about it and Dumbledore.

I grabbed my shoulder bag, from the chair next to me. I looked at it, as if it knew that it was needed, a small image of a witch appeared.

Ravenclaw.....Hufflepuff......Gryffindor....Slytherin.... four houses will divide...but one will fade into the great divide....but a time will come when they become one once more...unite us, chosen 5...bring us peace but beware the heir who came before you. Beware my friends....

( I'm not very good at writing poems or prophecies, sorry)

I heard footsteps and looked over as Dumbledore appeared." A very ancient prophecy, isn't it Miss Potter"  I nodded in response.

" Miss potter, you have a choice wither or not to return to Spinners end with your godfather"

" I need to go back, plus Harry is the one who needs protection, not me" I mumbled and he left. Reaching into my shoulder bag I pulled out the black book and a quill.

You tried to kill me again, why

Because I knew Dumbledore couldn't do it, tell me Haylee how did you manage to fight me off

I had one thing you'll never have Tom, something that you can't destroy  or ever understand

we will see each other again soon Haylee, and you will tell me what I want to know

I closed the book and put it away. I was let out of the Hospital wing later that day for the end of year feast but as I was walking down the hallway I stopped in front of the hour glasses that held the house points. there weren't any points in the Gryffindor hourglass but as I watch sand began to fall, just as I heard McGonagall call out." that'll be 50 points to both Potters, both Weasleys, Miss Lovegood, Mr. Longbottom and Miss Granger." I sighed but my smile immediately turned to a frown when Draco walked over to me." Haylee, you knew that my father was going to-"

" after what happened last year, I knew it would happen sooner or later but Draco, what ever happens know that you have a choice and you can tell me anything" his eyes widened and I walked away. On the last day, I said goodbye to Harry and the others, telling them that nothing bad would happen to them this summer which made them all smile but apparently they didn't notice that I hadn't included myself in that sentence, well that was everyone except Harry.

" Haylee, what's going to happen this summer"

" just know that I'll be fine" then with that I pulled my luggage down to the dungeons where Snape was waiting. We stepped through the fireplace and I sighed looking around Spinners end." this going to be a long summer" I mumbled and Goldie cooed in response.

Haylee Potter and the Order of the pheonixWhere stories live. Discover now