Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I walked into the great Hall and Goldie flew over to me with the Daily Prophet in her beak. I frowned but took the paper from her, before tossing her an apple piece. she cooed at me and flew off. I walked over to the table and sat next to FeFe who was eating a plate full of bacon, I opened the paper read to myself but froze when I read one of the articles:


According to sources at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, who have asked not to be mentioned by name, have recently learned that the Heir of the fifth house has been found. In the past we have believed that the Fifth house was nothing more then a legend but turns out it was true. Our sources didn't give a name but they did tell us that the person is a girl in the school right now, a 5th year. If these sources are true, then it could mean that Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is about to get a lot more historical.

If anyone has any information on who this student could be, they will be awarded in a very fair amount of galleons. Stay tuned for further developments.

I looked around the Great Hall to see everyone chattering away. I folded the paper and left the great hall but on my way out, I ran into Draco." I need to talk to you" I told him and before he could answer Pansy scoffed." don't you have anything better to do then stalk him, Draco doesn't want to talk you, do you Draco"

I ignored her" its important" I mumbled and he nodded before following me out of the great Hall, leaving Pansy to screech in outrage. When we got down to lake, I pulled out the paper and showed him the article. when he was done reading it he looked around before asking." who do you think told them, because I haven't told anyone, not even Crabbe and Goyle"

" someone must have, I mean no one else knows except the people I trust to keep my secret"

" well I didn't tell them, your my best friend, even if we are fighting" I smiled" plus why would I need any more money when I'm filthy rich" he told me throwing out his arms dramatically and making me laugh but I stopped when Fawkes flew over head and dropped letter in my hands. I opened it and sighed" Dumbledore wants to speak with me, I'll see you later Draco" he nodded and I walked off to the Headmasters office. I climbed up the steps and knocked on the door." come in" he called out and I walked into the office.

" you wanted to see me headmaster" I asked sitting in one of the chairs." yes, I believe you've heard that the Ministry is looking for the heir of Fidas."

" yes Headmaster, but who could have told them that I was here"

" perhaps someone who has figured it out or been told"

" do you think it was Professor Umbridge" I asked and he was silent before saying" it could be anyone, Miss potter but perhaps it is time for the world to know". I looked at my hands." I'm not sure I'm ready yet, Headmaster. I understand that one day the world will have to know but...this one thing could change everything"

" It's your choice, Miss Potter" he told me and I nodded before leaving the office.

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