Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The next morning, I was so tired I jumped every time someone would talk to me. After that vision I wasn't able to even close my eyes. When I thought my life couldn't get any worse, Goldie gave me the daily prophet.


My eyes widened and I quickly stuffed the paper in my bag before running from Great Hall, only to run right into Fred and George. Fred tried to ask me something but I had already run off. I had to find Harry. I found him talking with Hermione and Ron in the common room.

I showed him the paper and he frowned." A breakout..." he mumbled after reading it." Wither the ministry likes it or not, something is happening, Harry" then with that I walked away. I was walking toward the lake when Fred appeared around the corner." Haylee...would....would you like go to Hogsmeade with me" he scratched his head" on a date" my eyes widened before I crossed my arms.

" Fred Weasley..." he seemed to flinch" I would love to" he smiled." You would"

" What did you think I would say"

" well I thought that because we've been friends so long, you wouldn't want to"

" I heard what you said to me last year in the hospital wing Fred" his eyes widened and his ears turned as red as his hair making me laugh. There was a reason I said yes, I wanted his last few years to be great.

The day of the trip arrived and, Fred and I walked the streets of hogsmeade together. We went to Zonko's, honeydukes and then we went to the shrieking shack where we sat eating a pack of Calduron cakes and chocolate frogs.

" Haylee, why did you really agree to come with me today"

" I...I can't tell you" I told him and he frowned." It was one of your visions wasn't it"

I didn't answer and he sighed." When?"

" a couple years years" I mumbled and he closed his eyes before turning to look at me." I don't care" he told me and my eyes widened." You want to know why" then before I could do anything he kissed me, I froze not knowing what to do before I quickly decided, I kissed him back.

When we pulled away, neither of us could breath. We just stared at each other, my face bright red." I love you Haylee Potter and no vision is going to change that" he told me and I smiled.

Days later I stood watching as Snape taught Harry occlumency. He had told me, that shouldn't help anymore, if it triggered my inner eye but I didn't care, I was happy to help. Harry managed to deflect Snape, so he was improving but not by much. They went again and Snape got through. When he came out they started talking about a door, only to be interrupted by a scream.

I looked at the ceiling and frowned before realization came over me. I ran out the door with Snape and Harry right behind me. It was Professor Trelawney, who was crying, She was being sacked. I ran over to her at the same time Professor McGonagall did. McGonagall assured her she wasn't leaving while she gave her a handkerchief.

" It's alright, Professor" I told her and she tried to smile at me. Umbridge started to say something but was cut off as Dumbledore appeared." Miss Potter, Professor Mcgonagall, would mind escorting Sibyll back upstairs"

" yes Headmaster" I mumbled as Profesor Mcgonagall said" of course, up you get, Sibyll..." Professor Sprout ran forward to help and Professor Flitwick charmed her luggage to move on it's own before following after us.

Later that week, I was on my way to extra lessons with Trelawney when I got stopped by Umbridge in the hallway." Miss Potter, what are you doing out of bed at this hour"

" I'm a prefect Professor, I have duties tonight plus lessons with- "

" Detention, Miss potter" then with that she walked away making me glare at her, there was no way I was going. I continued walking until I got to the ladder. I climbed up and an hour later I went to bed.

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