Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

We were running to Umbridges office only to run into Neville, Luna, Ginny and Ron on the way there. After some arguing over who was going and who wasn't going, we found a new problem, how we're we getting to London.

The solution...thestrals. I smiled as we flew over the trees and into London. I let out a laugh causing Harry to roll his eyes at me. I looked over at him in the darkness." Harry, I know your worried but everything will be fine"

" how do you know Haylee"

" Trelawney's lessons are really helping me, my inner is becoming clearer, even if I'll never have full control, they are really helping"

" but what I don't get" Hermione called out from somewhere near me" Is how Harry doesn't have the sight and you do"

" that's an easy one, the gene runs along on our mum's side and Harry is more like dad then I am, plus it only affects the girls in the family. There is also the fact of who I'm meant to be" I explained.

" your heir, aren't you Haylee" Luna asked and I smiled." Howlong  have you known Luna"

" not long, I just put everything together, plus I asked Corith." I sighed rolling my eyes. We landed on the ground and all piled in a telephone box and Ron quickly dialed the numbers Harry told him to. The box lowered into the ground. We followed Harry to the elevator and it started moving. We climbed off of it and over to a door and he opened it. Once we were all through Neville closed it behind us.

We went through several rooms with many different things, floating brains in a tank, a stone archway with whispering voices, a jar that seemed to hold time it's self, a room full of crystal orbs. While the others looked for a certain one, something kept telling me to go to row 54 so I did. When I got the row I found a very dusty looking orb, that seemed to have beenn there for centuries. The tag on it read:

     H.T to G.G, R.R, S.S & H.H

               Hanna's Hier
" Haylee, what did you find" Harry called out but I didn't answer as I reached up and picked it up. I heard footsteps and looked over as a voice called out" well, isn't this exciting, both Potters have found something." I backed toward Harry as several figures appeared at once out of the shadows around us.

I slipped the glass orb into shoulder bag." To me, Potter" the voice of Mr. Malfoy demanded and I pointed my wand at him, stepping in front of Harry." Where is Sirius" he demanded and Mr. Malfoy looked at me." Why don't you ask your sister, she's a smart girl" I glared at him.

" he was never here, Harry" I mumbled and the women next to Mr. Malfoy, Bellatrix laughed mimicking me making the grip on my wand tighten. Harry started asking questions but when he said Voldemort all the death eaters started freaking out, Which led to Bellatrix shooting a spell at him, I deflected it and it hit the shelf next to her causing to of the orbs to fall to the ground and break." Dumbledore never told you that the reason you bear those scars was hidden in bowels of the Department of Mysteries? Did Haylee ever tell you, why he came that night"

" What is he talking about Haylee" Harry asked but I continued to glare at him.

" Can this be" Mr. Malfoy asked looking shocked. Smash shelves,Harry told us and I smirked as he continued to stall." Now" Harry yelled and I shot a spell at a random shelf. Orbs began to fall and I turned on the spot, appariating a few rows over, a few death eaters following behind me. I landed and shot random spells at them before running off.

Luckily I had put an extension charm on my shoulder bag, so the orb was safely tucked away in my bag. I ran through a door and hid behind a tank of brains." She ran in here" someone yelled and I heard footsteps. I noticed the brains started to crazy in the tank next to me and I came up with an idea.

I stood up as the death eaters ran in and pointed their wands at me." Hand over the prophecy little girl and perhaps the dark Lord won't hurt you" I smiled before pointing at them and muttering" wingardium Leviosa" a bunch brains from the tank flew at them and screamed as they were pelted with brains, but as the brains touches them the wrapped any bodypart they could get to.

I ran from the room and into another room where I found Harry and the others." Haylee, we heard screaming, what happened"

" I threw a bunch of those brains at two of them, the brains wrapped them." They stared me in shock but our moment was ended as a bunch of death eaters ran into the room, we scattered but on the end we were all trapped in the room with the archway.

Haylee Potter and the Order of the pheonixWhere stories live. Discover now