chapter 20 bonus

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Chapter 20 bonus

I walked down stairs a few weeks later and into the library but stopped in the doorway when I saw Wormtail standing by the fireplace but that wasn't the reason I froze, sitting in a chair by the fireplace was Voldemort, Snape sat in his chair. All three looked over when they heard me come in." Haylee, go back upstairs" Snape told me but Voldemort smirked" no, I want a word with the girl...alone" Snape nodded and I felt my stomach drop. He left dragging Wormtail behind him, though I knew he would never leave me alone in the same house with him.

" come Haylee, sit" he told me motioning to seat where Snape had been and I crossed my arms." I'd rather stand" he frowned and his eyes narrowed. After another few minutes of us glaring at each other, I walked over and sat down. " tell me Haylee, do you know what a horcrux is"

" why do you want to know"

" it's a simple question" I had to lie, if he was planning to do that then...

" no, I've never heard of it" I lied and he sighed before standing up. " it seems I was wrong about your willingness to cooperate with me Haylee, but I'll give you one more chance" I hadn't noticed his wand, which he was holding in his hand, until he aimed it at me." you think torturing me will get you what you want, your wrong Tom,  I -" he cut me off.

" silencio " my voice was cut off and he began to pace in front of me. I felt something slither passed my ankle and I looked to see his snake." you know of my plans Haylee and I cant have you going to Dumbledore" he turned to look at me with narrowed eyes." it seems that you'll just have to come with me" my eyes widened and he flicked his wand a red light hit me in the chest, before everything went black.

the next book will be posted after the 4th 

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