Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I was sitting in the Great Hall staring at the book with a quill in my hand. There weren't many studnets on there but a few of the professors were still here. Vincent and Fefe sat in front of me also staring the book." Are you going to write in it or you going to stare at it" Fefe asked and I sighed before quickly writing.

My name is Haylee Potter

We waited a few minutes but nothing happened, causing us to all sigh in relief." At least we know it's not evil" Vincent mumbled and I laughed. Fefe went to find turtle and Vincent went to finish a essay that was supposed to be turned in after the holidays. I was about to close th book when the words disappeared only to be replaced by

Hello again Haylee Potter, wouldn't want your friends to get hurt would you

I frowned looking over at the head table to see it empty. Another message appeared and I read it.

Don't worry, this one is only to communicate with you when I ever I like, unless of course you let me back in your mind....

I glared at the book before writing. Fat chance, i could always burn it

Wouldnt want anyone to know who you are, would you

You told the daily prophet

Not me but I believe my daughter had something to do with it, not like she had any idea what she was doing

Leave Leah alone

Then do as your told and give me what I want

I closed the book and sighed before leaving the Great Hall. The holidays came closer to an ending and I hid the bloody book under my pillow, not knowing where else to put it. I was walking the halls when Severus appeared." Haylee, I know that your still angry at me for leaving you in Dragon alley but Dumbledore has asked that I take you to Grimuald place for the test of the holiday"

" why, has something happened with Harry" I asked and he sighed." I'm to teach him occlumency"

" alright, but I have to get my things first" he nodded" meet me in my office, we are using the floo network. I nodded and an hour later I walked through the fire place of number 12 Grimauld place with Snape. We walked into the kitchen to find Sirius and Mrs. Weasley. " Haylee dear, how are you doing" She asked and I smiled." I'm doing alright, Mrs. Weasled meey" She smiled and hugged me in a motherly way, making me miss my own mother, both of them.

" Molly, would you mind getting the boy, I need to have a word with him" She nodded and went to get him. A few minutes later Harry appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. Snape and Sirius started arguing, which made me roll my eyes. Snape explained why he was here and Harry asked who was teaching him which me chuckle a little.

" I am, although Haylee will be helping" I looked like he was crazy." Your kidding right" I asked him and rolled his eyes.

The Holidays ended and we went back to Hogwarts, although Mrs. Weasley found the diary and asked about it, I had told her it was safe, Dumbledore had said so himself. Ginny kept looking at the diary every time I pulled it out.

I followed Harry to his first occlumency meetting and when we got there Snape was waiting. As Snape explained I stood leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. Harry looked at me and frowned." But why shouldn't Haylee have these lessons as well, I mean if she has the same connection..."

" I've already had these lessons Harry, word of advice having a photographic memory isn't as great as it seems, it makes occlumency much more... difficult "

" if Haylee hadn't learned when she had, The dark Lord would have tore her mind apart to get what he needed"

" but it's only managed to delay him, your not the only one dreaming about him harry" I told him and he frowned. Snape stood and looked at me.

" take out your wand Haylee" I did as I was told and aimed it at Harry." Do you know the spell Haylee" Severus asked and I nodded." Then begin" he told me and I closed off my own mind before muttering "legilimens"

I saw a kid on a red bike, who I'm guessing was our cousin, then it was a dog at the bottom of tree next it was a him at the sorting ceremony. Then Hermione in the hospital wing, a bunch of dementors and finally when he was about to kiss Cho.

No Haylee get out, I don't want you seeing that.

I was thrown from his mind, with a stinging pain in my wrist I looked down to see a giant welt. Harry looked at me with a glare." A stinging hex, seriously" I asked and he rubbed his knee from where he hit it on Snape's desk." What did you see"

" a dog, whose was it"

" Aunt Marge"

" go again on 3" Snape told us and I aimed my wand at him." 1...2...3"

" legilimens" I cried and I was back in his head. A giant Dragon, Mom and dad in the mirror of erised, Cedric dead on the ground again I was thrown from his mind. Snape yelled at him to get up, to block me out and that he was giving me memories to use.

I was on the ground rubbing my head and Harry looked at me in confusion." Are you alright Haylee" but as he said that I was pulled into a vision.

Flashes of green filled the air and expositions shook the very grounds of hogwarts, but my focus wasn't on that but on one person. I ran to him and a green light shot from my wand ending his life.

I came out of it as a hand touched my shoulder, making start to hit and kick the person. Haylee..ow Stop...its me" I looked up see Severus and chills went through me." I....I..." words were stuck in my throat and he sighed.

" What did you see Haylee"

" I...I...k..killed someone" I studdered and he wiped away a tear." It wasn't you Haylee, it was someone else" Harry had left already and once I had calmed down a little I left as well.

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