Ch 3: Crushes

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Lena POV:

It was strange, I felt giddy? I was excited for the first time since moving to National City- since the past year really. It was all because this weird girl thay came and interview me.

So far, as I can, tell she's kind, very smart, has a fantastic smile, and she's good looking to boot. She's worn coats every time I've seen her but she looks amazing in them. I'm fascinated by why she's a reporter and not a scientist, she has a brilliant mind and could advance our world greatly. 

Setting my phone down, I do my nightly routine, shower, remove makeup, brush hair, get into comfortable clothes and drink a glass of wine to relax from a hard day's work. I really wanted to text Kara but I don't want to come off as clingy or desperate.

Turning on a horror movie I unwind, my mind filled with the excitement of tomorrow and work. I could barely wait.


Waking early I dress in a tight fitting black dress and maroon heels. Filling my face with the right amount of makeup and a maroon lipstick to match my shoes.

Grabbing my purse and briefcase I exited my penthouse and into the car where my driver waited. Being taken to L-Corp was rather quick, it was too early for traffic. Arriving my secretary Jess handed me my breakfast with a smile.

"I wasn't sure what to get since they were out of your usual." She handed me a sausage and egg sandwich with a cup of coffee.

"It's alright Jess. Go ahead and give me my schedule for the day and be sure to clear a spot for lunch will you." I took the elevator up with her.

"Lunch? You usually work through lunch?" She followed me out of the elevator.

"I do, but today I'll be going out for lunch." I had a dainty smile but removed it the second I felt it.

"Oh? Anyone special?" She saw me smile.

"A friend." I bit my lip nervously, I haven't had a real friend since college. I'm not even sure we're friends yet.

"I'm happy for you. I'll get right on it." She went to her desk as did I.

The better part of my morning was spent doing paperwork, okaying some projects, and a meeting on the new project of advanced transportation. I was beyond stressed and irritated because of the asswipe shareholders in my said meeting.

Always thinking they know better or are better than me… nonetheless I held my head high and did what needed to be done. I sat frustrated at my desk, gripping a pen so hard I could break it, writing a summary on what the new project needs.

"Ms. Luthor? Ms. Danvers is here to see you?" Jess poked her head in.

"Yes of course, let her in please." My head immediately snapped up, I flatten out my dress and touched my hair.

"Hello Ms. Luthor." Kara came in the room with her hands behind her back.

"I thought I told you to call me Lena?" I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"You did, I just like to tease you." She winked at me, giving me a stunning smile that made my stomach flip.

"I got these for you." She pulled out a bouquet of Plumerias. She had gotten me my favorite flowers.

"These are my favorites… how'd you know?" I took them with great care, looking for a vase.

"Just a guess." She smiled.

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