Ch 15: Say You Care

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Kara POV:


Alex and I had gotten into another fight only this time I was too angry to hear Eliza out. Storming and flying off I aim for Metropolis, hoping my cousin would listen to me.

The city was bright at night, the noise was loud but almost cheerful. Letting myself smile I lower down to the streets from an alleyway. I struggled but managed to find his heartbeat, walking closer to it I took in the beautiful sight of the city.

Eliza didn't like me in the city, Alex didn't either, hell Clark didn't like me when I was here but I needed him. Strolling up to a scummy bar I snuck my way in and tried to find him. Closing in on his heartbeat I found myself in front of a bathroom.

Thinking nothing of it, I stroll inside and find Clark kissing some random woman, my mind fried as I look at him. He didn't seem to notice me so I quickly left, heart beating out of my chest.

Wasn't he with Lois?

That didn't look like Lois?

Listening to him inside I could hear him coming out…

Rushing away from the door I made my way through the crowd and watched as he exited the room. A smile plastered on his face…

Lois didn't deserve this…

Somebody walked up to him and started yelling, they pushed him and shouted louder. Something about the girl being his girlfriend, Clark waved him off and tried walking away but then grabbed and dragged him out a door.

Shoving through the crowd I followed them, exiting the door I could see them further down an alley. A Hulking figure standing over two unconscious people, their fist repeatedly slamming down on them.

Clark was getting hurt!

Rushing quickly I shoved the man off him only to find the angry guy from before laying in a pool of his own blood. Looking up I met Clark's eyes, fear turning to anger when he saw me.

I went to fly away but he caught my leg and slammed me into a large trash can. Groaning I fell to the floor and held my side, Clark's larger hand grabbing my face painfully.

"WHAT are you doing here?" The alcohol burned my nose.

"I-i… I needed to see you." I whimpered, his grip tightening. 

"How much!?" He shouted.


"How much did you see Kara?" His eyes glowing a deep red.

"N-nothing!" I tried to remove his hand.

Letting a grunt out he tossed my face away before grabbing me and jetting off. The wind felt harsh on my skin, my head began to spin, it was painful and he wouldn't slow down.

Landing down he dropped me and let me gather painful gulps of air, looking up at him he held the same anger. Scampering back I try and avoid him but it was futile, he was stronger, faster, and bigger than me.

"You should really stay where you're put." He grabbed a handful of my hair.

"P-please… I'm sorry! I won't tell." I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.

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