Ch 24: Come Back

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Lena POV:

For the past 2 weeks I've left myself beyond busy, diving head first into work and any projects brought to me. I didn't sleep well, Harley and Ivy forced me to eat, and I spent most nights by Kara's bedside, scotch in hand.

Jason and Kate helped patrol National city after the fight, it brought Major news that Supergilr had killed some of the biggest names in the villain world. Not to mention the JL released information she took out TheFlash and Kid flash. Everything learned and heard were taken to the extremes.

A lot saluted and approved of her unhinged tactics of being attacked or having her city attacked. Others disapproved and slandered her for killing in the first place, let alone heros.

This only furthered my stress and worry for her, she seemed to be healing properly, the only wounds from the fight lingering on her left hand. The burns and covered her left side body shrunk to just her left hand, leaving her a memory from that horrid night.

Diana took Alex to Themyscira for safekeeping in case any of the remaining members tried to take her. I worried for when she woke up, finding anything to keep my mind far away from that confrontation.

Coming home I found Jason and Kate watching a movie while Harley and Ivy played chess. They all seemed happy to see me but I didn't care, my mind very far away from right now. Setting my bag down and pouring myself a glass I eagerly down it before pouring another.

Ignoring them I trade to Kara's room, finding the woman sitting up with a lost look in her eyes. Dropping my drink I rush to her side, pulling her into a deepened hug. I didn't receive one back but I knew I shouldn't expect it, pulling away I brush the long locks out of her face.

"Kara?" I called for her gently, hands cupping her warm cheeks.

"Where's… Where's Alex?" She mumbled, voice dry and hoarse.


"Tell me it's a dream." She coughed out, voice hurting.

Pressing her back I frantically right to get her something to drink, handing her a large glass of water. Taking it she slowly drinks, eyes darker than I could remember.

"I'm sorry Kara…" I rubbed her shoulders.

The cup broke in her hand, looking down she seemed to stare at her hand, eyes going empty. Reaching out I gently touch her cheek, brushing my thumb over her burning face.

"I… I can't cry…" She whimpered.

"What?" I leaned down to her level.

"I want to, I should, but I can't… they won't fall… Lena, I feel so cold." Her voice barely above a whisper.

"It's okay, I'm sure you're just tried, or your body is still-"

"NO! I-I can't cry! I should cry for my sister, for myself but I can't!" Her voice was suddenly loud.


"I failed! I-i failed my parents, I failed being a hero, I failed myself, Eliza, Alex…" She moved herself off the table, legs shaky for a moment.

"You didn't fail, it was a fight-"

"A fight with no other outcome yet I failed!" She slammed her fist through the wall, anger pouring from her.

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