Ch 9: Ambush

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Kara POV:

My head was killing me, the ringing in my ears began to drive me nuts. A bag on my head was ripped off showing a reddish orange room that I was bound in. Looking around groggily I spotted Flash and Batman off to the side as Cyborg stood in front of me.

They ambushed me… fucking bastards.

Letting out a chuckle I met Batman's eyes, he looked pissed off as usual. Smiling, I sat up straighter and kept myself trained on the man.

"What's going on Batman?" I smirked at the man.

"You're a danger Kara. You need to be detained." He grunted.

"Detained? For what?" I scoffed.

"Killing and treason against the Justice League." Cyborg answered.

I side eyed him quickly then looked back at the Dark Knight, he nodded and agreed with what the cybernetic man said. Baffled, I let a laugh leave me as they held me hostage for doing their jobs right.

"You can't be serious? I killed those who deserved it and I never joined this team. All of your points are invalid, so why don't you let me go." I kept my eyes trained on him.

"Can't do that Supergirl." Cyborg spoke.

"Don't think I was asking you." I side eyed the man again.

"What's your problem with me?" He scowled.

"Don't pay attention to her." Bats spoke.

"My problem is your a fucking weakling and you managed to get me hostage." I spat at him.

Disgusted he wiped the spit off and socked me in my face, blood trickled down my nose.

"That feel weak?" He smirked.

"Yeah it did… kids hit harder than you." I smiled.

He was about to continue but Flash stepped in and pulled the man back, I chuckled as he thrashed in his grip. Bats walked closer and stood in front of me, his ever present scowl there.

"You'll be here till we decide to move forward with our plans." He turned to walk away.

"Wait! Just tell me… who ordered this?" I kept my head low, a flicker of hope still there.

"You know who…" he grunted.

They all left the room, left me alone with the ashes of the hope I had left, left me to boil in my own anger. Shouting I rocked in the chair and thrashed, rage overflowing within me.

When I was calm, I waited…

And waited…

And waited…

And waited…

Time is unfamiliar in space but I could tell enough time passed to see the world outside the window spin fully by now. 

The doors open to reveal a shocked Diana, I don't think she was expecting to see me like this. Striding closer she released the restraints and turned off the lights. Groaning I felt the sun rays fill me like before, it would take a bit but it was better than previous.

"I wasn't expecting them to take you in so soon." She cupped my cheeks.

"Clark ordered it… Clark's a fucking coward!" I moved her hands away and stormed out the room.

"Let's not be rash Kara, we have to think this through." She tried to reason with me.

"Diana… you need to leave. What I'm going to do will make them realize you're working with me." I spoke harshly.

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