Ch 4: The Real Cost

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 Kara POV:

"Don't you look nice."

She stood with some jeans that hugged her legs amazingly and a black sweater that she filled out. I nearly broke the door I was holding open when I laid my eyes on her. She gave a shy smile before coming inside, she handed me some sweets and a bottle of wine.

"I wasn't sure what to bring." She played with her fingers.

"It's fine, come on. Let's get you fed." I pulled her towards the kitchen.

Stacking my plate with food and filling hers we talked, she told me about her day and the project. I listened intently and pulled her towards the others. I gave her a quick introduction to everyone, making sure that they would be nice.

With it out of the way we started on game night, a game of monopoly left most of us bankrupt. Besides Winn, Brainy, and Lena.

Uno was a nightmare, everyone got more and more cards. The more cards we got the angrier we got.

We took a break to drink and chat which was nice, I was actually able to feel the effects of alcohol. I did notice that throughout the night Lena stayed close to me, close enough that our legs touched.

Getting back into games with Scrabble and charades was great, Lena and I made a great team at the latter but got beaten by Nia in scrabble. She kept insisting that certain words were actually words, just ones we didn't know.

More food was eaten, more drinks were consumed, and soon enough people started leaving. James had to carry a drunk Lucy back to her hotel. With the night ending it left Lena and I alone on my couch.

"I'm serious! I wasn't a goody two shoes in boarding school." She slapped my arm.

"Oh yeah? What'd you do that's so bad?" I slurred slightly.


"Psh, plenty of people have done that."



"I got into fights. I would also sneak out on occasion. And I once stole my father's gun to shoot it in the woods." She took a sip of her whiskey.

"See, that's more interesting." I shook her shoulder. She bellowed a laugh which made me join her.

"What about you Danvers? Were you always a goody goody?" She husked out, sending shivers down my spine.

"Not at all. Eliza had to keep a tight leash on me as a teenager." I laughed at the memories with me getting caught sneaking out or getting into fights for Alex.

I didn't notice till I felt her leg touch mine that we were really close, she had her chin leaned on her palm as she listened to me. Her brilliant green eyes shined compared to the dark eyeshadow she had on. Her lips were a dark red, so plump and kissable at this moment.

Moving my body to face her more I kept an arm behind the sofa as I stared at her. She bit her lip making it all the harder to focus on anything but her lips.

"Rao you're beautiful." I whispered.

Not looking away from me she placed her glass on the table, tracing her fingers on mine a that was placed behind the couch. Tension was beyond thick, I could feel the electricity running through the air.

"You make it very hard Kara." She whispered, her face leaning in closer.

"Oh yeah?" I leaned into her.

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