Ch 2: A Super & A Luthor

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Kara POV:

I watched silently as Lena and my cousin had a battle of wits, she denied having anything to do with the attack and Clark wouldn't let it go. It made me a little ashamed that he couldn't let go that the Luthor's are always behind something.

When she turned around for a moment we xrayed her room and focused back on the conversation. She fully complied with us, handing Clark a drive as he gave a tight attitude back. They seemed to stare at one another, seeing who would back down first.

"Hi, Kara Danvers. Pleasure to meet you." I held my hand out, mindful as to not hurt her hand.

"Right…" She seemed skeptical at my lack of hatred towards her family name.

"Kara." Clark hissed quietly.

"Thank you for helping us, I'm sure you're not behind it." I gave a bright smile.

"And if I am?" She teased gently.

"You're not. I can tell." I gave a little wink.

She seemed a little surprised, taking the death glare I was getting from Clark as my cue I grabbed him and left. The second we entered the elevator he blew a fuse.

"What was that? Were you flirting with a Luthor!?" He faced me, anger evident.

"Why does it matter what her last name is?" I sighed, walking out of the elevator.

"Luther's are bad, Kara. They're nothing but lying, deceitful, psychopaths. Don't get anymore involved than necessary." He placed a hand on my chest stopping me.

"You're not my parent Clark, you're not even older than me, so I don't need you telling me what I can and can't do." I slapped his hand away, walking away from the irritating man.

"Kara!" He walked after me.


Saving the day and stopping the real villain I held myself tall and proud in front of Clark as he found himself wrong about Lena. I was called away by Alex to the DEO, curious I went for it and found her waiting with Winn.

"What's up?" I landed.

"We found a guy." Winn said awkwardly.

"Okay?" I folded my arms.

"His pod landed here last night Kar…" Alex finished for him.

My mind flashed to the last time I saw someone of my own kind, instant fear ran through me. My muscles tensed and my jaw set, I could feel the heat vision in the back of my eyes.

"He's sedated though so there's no worries." Winn waved his hands, assuring me it would be fine.

"Right… let me know when he's awake." I brushed past them, heading for the exit.


Dropping two men in front of the police cars I took off, the sun was bright which always made me happy. The wind felt nice, the sun washed my skin, and I was finally calming down. My ears trained on a heartbeat from across town… I'm not sure whose it is but it's been giving me peace with the whole mysterious Kryptonian.

Seeing a car speeding and about to crash I rocket down and stand in front of it as it crashes. Grabbing the man as he flies out of the window I hold him with a smirk. He had some blood and glass on him but he would live.

"Come on dude. Don't speed." I was disappointed.

Setting him down gently I took off for my house, something I've been meaning to do still on my mind. Quickly getting home, showering, and dressing into black slacks, a white button up, and an overcoat.

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