Ch 25: Battle of Wills Pt. 1

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Kara POV:

Standing on the balcony I looked towards the city, l could hear everything, see everything. Innocent people live a life full of happiness. Not all who see me are happy, not all who look at me would agree with what I do.

But I did it regardless

I do it for them

For the greater good

For Lena

I wanted a world she could prosper in, a world that our further children wouldn't be afraid of. I wanted peace and absolute justice, I wanted Krypton back.

It was selfish, it was a deep desire I have had since childhood, one that I never spoke of, one that I wished to be seen through. 

I visited the Fortress of Solitude. I need to know if what Zod said was true, to know that I no longer had a family. It hurt to know that in his final words he was honest. Kal wasn't and El, he was a Zod, he was still a cousin but not one that mattered.

Our family had outlasted the Zod's for their hangout crimes on Krypton. The memories of Kal, the things he did, the things he would do into time… it all made sense.

I shed no tears for him, I shed no tears for anyone, I had none left. My family is gone, my love is hanging by a thread, my friends were next to nothing. I felt helpless and driven all at once, everything was either too much or not enough.

Landing in the desert I found the others waiting, they all looked nervous, many uneasy by this. They had all armored up, Lena had made plenty more suits with the help of Kate and I. Each of them bore their own design and regal to said person making it easy to tell who's who.

Landing on the ground I found the distant gaze of Lena waiting for me, we had been barely speaking. I had angered her, hurt her, and in some way left her. I never wanted that, I never wanted this, but someone had to do it.

"Home stretch boys!" Harley smiled.

"It's getting real serious huh?" Jason snorted.

"That means we should take it as such." Kate nodded.

"Do you have the remote?" Ivy asked Lena.

"Just waiting for the signal." She held up the tiny device.

"Then we should go." I nodded.

Pulling out a small black cube Lena tossed it on the ground and let a portal open up. The other side looked like the inside of the Justice League watchtower. One by one they all started to sneak in, grabbing Lena by the wrist, I stopped her for a moment.

"When this is over… I want you to marry me." I squeezed her hand.

She looked at me surprised, her eyes soon turning cold as she squeezed my hand back softly.

"I-I don't know if I can…" She looked away from me.

"Will you think about it?" I stepped closer, desperate for her gaze.

"Kara I want to more than anything but… what we've been through is a lot. I want time to find ourselves, to find each other, to decide if we're right for one another." She interlocked her hand in mine.

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