Ch 27: Last Time

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Lena POV:

3 Year Skip

"So, tell me how you've been Lena? Anything new? Are the nightmares still there? How have you been coping?" My therapist asked softly.

My brain wracked over the past while, honestly I was a wreck. I fell into a deep depression after the battle three years ago, I wouldn't leave my house, or my bed. I laid in Kara's clothes, watched her favorite movies, ate her favorite food and it always left me empty.

I was angry at first... I was upset that she left, that she put this fight above anything else but after some time I understood. I knew why she did it, I understood why she made the choices she made even if it hurt. The Justice League was no more, the world had prospered, and it was a planet she was happy to leave me with.

"I'm... okay? I mean those are loaded questions. I've dived straight into work, I dream of the day she left me every night... I don't really know how to cope and it's been three years." I sighed, my hands wrung together.

"Alright? How about we go over it? Would that help find ways to accept it? It is your final step into grief." She was calm.

Taking a deep breath I exhaled it and filled my mind with that day, with memories of Kara.

"I miss her... I miss her more than I thought I would. I was angry for the first few months, I-I hated her for so long. Now I just miss her. She gave her life for me, for this world, she did what she wanted and I can't be mad at that. She was selfless and selfish, she was so warm and cold, it was always two worlds with her." My mind is filled with memories of her.

Her hand brushing the hair out of my face, the warmth of her skin, her blue in her eyes, the passion in every kiss.

"I didn't understand at first... why leave? Why leave me alone? Why leave the world? But as time went on I understood, she wanted it better, she wanted it healthy, she wanted a world I could succeed in... in the end she got what she wanted. The truth of Superman, of the Justice League all came out and it tore them down. Now Diana is helping rebuild it into something Kara would be proud of." My fingers played with themselves.

"Are you upset that it's being rebuilt? Something she worked hard to tear down now coming back to life." He asked me.

"No... I'm happy. I know Diana will do the right thing. The heroes might be mad or hold a grudge but they have followed the codes so far. Honestly I'm happy that they can move on." A small smile overtook my face.

"Have your friends all moved on?" He jotted down in his book.

"I would think so? Diana is the leader of the new Justice League, Harley and Ivy are environmentalists. They've dedicated themselves to looking for ways to keep the earth healthy and clean with humanity still on it. Kate is engaged and living a happy life in Gotham, and Jason even took up the Mantle of Batman... they've all moved on from the fight... so why haven't I?" I looked to him.

"Loss is a complicated thing Lena-"

"I know but I have so much! I have more than what I started with! My name isn't feared anymore, it's celebrated, my company is number 1 in the world, I have more friends than I ever thought I could, and yet I still hate every minute of life..." I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

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