Ch 7: Deals

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Kara POV:

It had been about 2 weeks since Clark's attempt to stop me, I have been staying at Lena's since then. I tried to go back, leave, or even find another place to stay but she was adamant. I didn't want to go back to my place in case Clark or another 'hero' tried to show up and ambush me.

Even though Lena was happy about me being here and we were getting closer, it made living together tense. The tension between us was nearly earth shattering, I was trying hard to control myself from her. There were moments where we were close to kissing and sealing the deal but karma was a bitch.

I just got away from Lena as I dropped off her lunch, she felt very touchy today and it made it hard to not get… hard. With a refreshing fly, I found myself at my apartment door. With my hand hovering over the doorknob I could hear a creak from the otherside.

Using my x-ray vision I peeked inside and found Wonder Woman sitting herself down in a chair of mine. Holding myself tall and high I enter the room and meet her intense gaze. She crossed her leg over the other and let her eyes inspect my figure. 

"Wonder Woman? To what do I owe the pleasure?" I set my blazer down and started to take off my watch.

"Heard and saw your fight with Sups… what went wrong there?" I could feel her gaze as I walked to my kitchen.

"Ideal differences. Nothing more. " I poured myself a hard drink even though it would do nothing.

"You seemed rather upset afterwards?" She stood tall, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I was upset about the innocent lives lost, not about kicking my cousin's ass." I downed the drink and broke it.

"You killed, Kara. They don't take kindly to that." She stalked closer, eyes that of a predator.

"I take it that's why you're here?" I leaned against my counter, watching her closely.

"That's what they want me here for. They want me to try and talk you out of it and if not, intimidate you." She stood in front of me.

"What do you want then?" I folded my arms.

"Why do you do it Kara?" She stepped closer than I thought she would, brushing a strand of my hair away.

"Peace… I want to help this world Diana. Sparing and showing mercy to our enemies will only make them come back stronger and smarter." I stood to her level, our eyes locked with one another.

"Great." She flashed me a smile.

"What?" I scrunched my nose.

"That's great. I've been trying to convince Superman and Batman that letting them get away dose more harm than good." She let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought you were on their side?" I brushed my hair back, taken aback by her response.

"I'm on the side of Absolute Justice. Kara I've killed before, I come from an entire island where killing our enemies is fine. The only reason I'm on good terms with them and the League is because I promised to not kill anymore." She stepped closer, I could feel the heat radiate from her body.

"Diana?" I backed up against the counter.

"I've been waiting for someone to stand against them, someone strong enough to not cower before them… I can tell that it will be you Kara." She wrapped her arms around my neck.

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