Ch 23: Family Ties

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Kara POV:

Thunder sounded as I pushed towards Alex, our fists connecting and erupting another sound of thunder. Anger and pain filled us, the desire of two different ideals clashing.

I didn't want to do this…

I had time to think…

I didn't want to kill my only family…

I didn't want to lose her…

But she won't let this be…

My body ached from my previous fights, I had pushed myself against those four. I was nearing empty and she was unstable. The look in her eyes, the fluctuation of her power, whatever she did to herself was killing her.

Her knee connected with my stomach making me vomit, hooking around her waist I flew away. Her fists slammed into my back making it hard to stay up, pounding both her fists into my back sent us barreling to the ground.

Crashing into a crater I found myself wishing I wouldn't have to do this. Regret overflowing, we're sisters, even if not by blood…

Rolling out of the way I avoided a spiked leg to my head, grabbing the ground and launching myself at her. Taking her into the ground I let my fists hurl into her, each one sounding out.

Blasting me with her heat vion sent me up and away, I could hear the others shouting and talking in the mic but I couldn't respond. Skidding to the ground I look up and catch her fist, sending mine back.

A fight we've done before, a fight with no stakes in the past now filled with more than I wished. Blood seeped from my head, dripping onto the floor as I faced her.

"Alex please!" I begged.

A growl came as she slammed her body into mine, hatred burned deep in her brown eyes. Holding my ground I could see clearly in the moonlight, she wasn't willing to give up no matter how much I beg.

Flipping my body around hers I toss her a few feet away and charge her, my foot connecting with her face. Flying back a good mile gave me time to breathe. Tapping the com I tried to speak but she was back and already bringing her fist down.




None of this compared to the sound of our fists, they echoed into the night sky with each strike. Years of training together made us aware how we fought, making this fight much harder.

I knew her…

She knew me…

Getting kicked back I flip my body back and land on my feet, coughing up blood as she approached me.

"You're unstable… this power is killing you." I wheezed, my broken ribs puncturing my lungs.

"SHUT UP!" She kicked me across the face.

"I don't want you to die Alex! You're all I have!" I cried out.

Looking in her eyes I could see the conflict, one that I've had, one that I still struggle with.

"You're angry I get it, but it will kill you, your anger, your hatred, your suffering, it will all kill you." I stagger to my feet.

"You know nothing!" Her fists clenched, eyes burning a bright blue.

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