Ch 16: More Time Needed

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Lena POV:

The city was loud and bustling, people moved about with vigor as I drove through the streets. High up above FTS vehicles moved quickly, shipping different hints to different areas.

The success of my company, of myself wasn't without its hardships. Diana hadn't returned due to being called to Themyscira for duties unknown. I tried to spend more time with Kara but she had become distant since talking with Alex. I gave her space and time but it was hard to see her not so happy.

The night terrors worsened when she was stressed but she never let me worry about them. As of recently we're finally able to come back to the city, 5 months retraining and honing her skills once again flew by. She was the happiest I had seen her in weeks when able to return back to the city.

She flew high enough where no one could see or spot her, I had to drive to work and take over from Sam. Striding through the office I greeted Jess and chatted for a bit before opening my door to find Sam at the desk and Ruby on the couch.

"Lena!" They both sounded excited.

Ruby crashed into me, crushing me in a hug as Sam joined in. Smiling at the two I hugged back just as happily.

"It's been so long, how was it in Ireland?" She wiggled her brows.

"Busy but fun." I swatted her shoulder.

"Are you dating Kara?" Ruby piped up.

"What!?" My cheeks redden.

"Ruby hush." Sam pinched her cheek.

"You wouldn't stop talking about how they might get together, now I'm curious." The Teen defened.

"Doesn't mean you ask out loud, I would have told you privately." Sam whispered to the girl.

"If it's that much of concern then no Kara and I aren't dating." I cleared my throat. 

"You aren't?" Ruby tilted her head.

"I thought you two were-"

"Doesn't matter, we haven't put a label on what we are as of yet. Trust me I'm just as confused. One minute it's hot and the next cold." I rubbed my temples.

"What is it now?" They asked me.

"Cold." I sighed, walking further into the room.

Sitting at the table I set the bag of food down and waited for them to join me. Ruby sat first and immediately started in on her food while Sam sat next to me.

"That's a bummer, but I'm sure it'll turn out fine." She turned the TV to the news.

"We'll see."

An anchor woman came on and started quickly talking about an attack on the mayor's office. Police and firemen waiting outside at a far distance as the terrorist held the mayor captive.

It would seem the person in question was a Metahuman that had some vendetta against the mayor. I patiently watched and Ruby talked to Sam about the attack. Almost as if on cue Kara showed up to the scene, floating above the civilians with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh my goodness! It would seem Supergirl has arrived on the scene! Ladies and gentlemen we haven't seen the woman of steel in nearly a year, what does her sudden return mean? Why has she been away? Is she back for good? Does her previous notion on villains and crooks still stand?" 

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