Ch 14: Tests and Teasing

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Lena POV:

I had been taking advantage of Diana being gone…

I've spent every free moment I could with the goddess, everything about her drawing me in and keeping me close. Waking with the sun and her beautiful eyes, afternoon's spent basking in the fields, night filled with passion and love.

I couldn't help myself when it came to her, I was supposed to have no emotion,  no one I cared about, I was supposed to be a Luthor… but couldn't. Not when Kara existed.

No matter how angry, sad, or hateful I felt she seemed to make it seem like nothing. Her smile melted the ice around my heart, her arms held me when I needed it most, she was everything and more than I could have asked for.

Reaching my hand up I brush the strands of loose hair from her face, watching her as she sleeps peacefully. I didn't want to disturb her, she had frequent nightmares and got little to no sleep because of them. If one would wake me up she would insist that it was nothing and push my worries aside. It never stop me from worrying.

"It's rude to stare." One eye peaked open as her stunning smile appeared.

"Like you don't stare at me all the time." I rolled me eyes, Flipping myself onto my stomach.

"Yeah, but when I do it, it's cute." She proved herself on an elbow.

"Are you saying I'm not cute when I stare?" I lifted a brow.

"Rao no, you're sexy." She wiggled her brows drawing a giggle from me.

"What a dork." I pushed her face.

Grabbing my hand she pulled herself close and positioned herself on top of me. Leaning in close to my ear she blows cold air on it before speaking.

"You'll pay for that Luthor." Her voice dark.

The next thing I knew was her hand on my waist tickling me, I screamed a laugh as she pulled me close. I tried to escape but it was useless compared to the monster above me. She held a smirk when I tried shoving and pushing her away with pleads.

"Apologize Luthor!" She growled.

"Haha, I'll- AH- never haha give in!" I slapped her arms and tried to move her off with no avail.

"Fine then… I'll have to take drastic measures." A dark playful smile fell on her lips. 

Faster than I was expecting she was holding my feet in a headlock, tickling me mercilessly. I kicked and thrashed, squealing as she continued.

"Apologize!" She shouted.

"I APOLOGIZE!" I screamed, still trying to move from her.

In an instant she let my legs go, stood up and smiled down at me. I grabbed a pillow and hurled it at her face which she easily catches. Sitting up I try and regain my breath when a pillow smacked into my face.

"You're joking." I huffed.

"Dead serious." She smirked.

Jumping out of bed I charged the woman who ran away from me, I chased her around the bedroom. She ducked and avoided any attempt of me catching her, so far as 'standing' on the ceiling.

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