Ch 11: Rekindled

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Lena POV:

Against my true desire and need I keep Kara contained in a room to monitor her till we got back to Earth. I spent everyday watching her through the 1 way mirror glass. She knew I was there, her eyes never left the mirror, almost as she was staring directly at me.

Being within our galaxy and planetary range left us near the sun, which in turn made Kara gain her powers back. It took a day or so before her powers cam surging back, when they did she had a harder time controlling them then before.






All of it was too much for her, she only spoke a strange language and snarled at anyone who entered the room.

It was painful to watch her scream and thrash around from the sensory overload to her ears and eyes. She destroyed everything she touched or fired it to ashes. Keeping her in this room was the safest option, I planned ahead and made a sensory deprivation room.

She sat cross legged in a straight jacket, her head low as she peacefully slept away. My heart ached to be there for her, to comfort her racing thoughts. She had been gone for 6 months, I can't imagine what she's been through.

Keeping her still and quiet wouldn't solve what happened to her so I made an executive decision to call for help. A guard tapped my shoulder and motioned to Diana behind him. Furrowing my brows I motioned for him to leave, Diana held a knowing smirk when near me.

"So you do need my help?" She stood next to me, her eyes trained on Kara.

"I don't want it but I need it, for Kara." I spoke coldly.

"It hurts to see her so vulnerable to herself. An all powerful God, nothing more than an overstimulated child." She held a sad look in her eye.

"That we can agree upon." I rubbed my chin.

"Excuse me." Moving away she walked into the room.

Watching them closely I see Diana slowly approach Kara, all too curious and nosey I turn on the speakers to hear their interactions.

"Kara?" Diana moved as though she was in a lion's den.

Kara's head snapped up as her eyes burned red, her teeth bared and body tense. She looked ready to pounce and kill the woman in front of her.

"It's alright… it's me, Diana." She crouched and moved closer to Kara.

Words of a language I didn't know came from Kara, Diana looked surprised before sitting in front of the angry woman. Smiling, she spoke the same language, my eyes grew wide seeing that she could understand her.

Kara seemed to calm down enough to where her eyes didn't glow, she stared at Diana with a confused expression. Taking this as a good sign the Amazon reached out and cupped her cheeks. Kara grunted and spoke quickly in the strange language, this only seemed to make Diana laugh.

I was beyond confused what was happening or what either were saying. A body sliding next to mine drew my attention away for a moment.

"Is she doing alright?" Sam asked, worry on her face.

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