Ch 20: Suits & Tests

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Lena POV:

1 Month on Island

"Kara, stop holding back." I groaned for the 4th time today.

"I don't want to hurt you." She whined.

"Punch her you pussy!" Ivy shouted from the stands.

"Yeah! Kill her!" Harley joined in.

"Don't listen to them. Now I want you to punch me hard enough to where it won't kill me, rupture an organ, or stop my heart… got it?" I looked to the powerful woman.

"I get that you want to test the armor and stuff but I could really hurt you." She looked like a kicked puppy.

"It's what I want and what I need. Now stop complaining and do it." I huffed.

She sighed and nodded her head, standing across the training area she put herself in a fighting stance. Exhaling, I let the anxiety leave as I turn the suit on and make it encase my whole body. It was decently slim but had a few components sticking out.

In a millisecond she was in front of me delivering a powerful punch to my gut. The metal gave and the air left my body, getting flung back a few few I laid on the floor gasping for air desperately.

"OH RAO!" 



Kara rushed to my side, she was turning me onto my back and trying to talk me through breathing but I couldn't. Freaking out more she ripped the armor from me easily, trying to help me gather air. Gasping loading I coughed and choked on the sweet taste of air, a massive sigh leaving Kara as I breathed.

"Are you right!?" She looked panicked but I was to out of it.

"I'm gonna throw up." I groaned.

"Lee you good?" Harley rushed up with a smile on her face.

"I hurt her, I hurt her, I hurt her." Kara was freaking out which only made it worse.

"Grab a grip of yourself man!" Harley mocked a British accent, pulling Kara to her feet.

"But- she, I fucked her up!" She whined.

"I can help ya but you need to trust me." Harley looked serious.

"Yes! Anything!" Kara responded, I could see it coming miles away.

"Good man Kara, good man." She patted her shoulder.

Instantly Harley brought her knee up and into Kara's junk. A tense whimper left her as she crumbled to her knees and fell to the floor clutching herself.

"You must stop letting me do this." Harley cackled.

"I'm… gonna… kill… you." She groaned.

"I keep telling ya, protect your cock and balls Kar. I've done it to everyone that's tried to stop me, it's a cheap shot but it works." She shrugged.

"Not Batman." Ivy chimed in.

"Not Batman, that bastard protects his jewels… good on him." Harley cackled.

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