Ch 18: New Friends?

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Kara POV:

Rocketing towards the jet I found a covert operative inside flying them, fear in their eyes as I appeared beside them. Lifting my arm I slam my fist into the side of the jets making the break and crash into each other.

Shooting and landing inside a hidden warehouse I easily pass through the guards. Their guns aimed at me as make my way through, one stupid man decied to shoot me which only made the bullets reflect off me.

Slowly walking towards him I lifted him by his neck as he trudged to leave my grasp, looking at the other guards I snapped his neck like a twig. They flinched and dropped their weapons, drooping his body, I looked over the cowering men.

Cried and pleads from women and some children cry out further in the hidden warehouse. Heating my eyes I quickly kill the two in front of me and slide up to the main guard.

"H-hey! You're supposed to be a hero! Why are you-"

"Shut it." My vision seconds away from frying him.

He meekly nodded his head and waited for my question. Lifting my foot I press it into his leg and start to hear the bon crack under the pressure.

"How many?" My voice devoid of emotion.

"H-how many what!?" He cried, hands graphing at my foots.

"How many women? How many kids? How many times?" I lean towards his face as my foot readied to break through his leg.

"Aughhh! I dunno. I dunno. We lost count alright! Why does it matter their-"

His head exploded as I incinerated him, wiping the blood from my face as I made my way through the facility. Killing every man that allowed this to happen, that watched, that acted on their disgusting urges. A trail of blood followed my path with every man I killed, their screams bringing me joy.

Kicking the door off its hinges and into the wall I clearly startled the man that laid above the woman on the floor. Looking in the corner I found 2 little girls, no older than 10, cowering as I entered.  One of the men in the room charged me and threw a punch at my face.

Not turning my head I let him break his hand and wrist on the impact, he screamed and tried again. Grabbing his fist I easily snap it and punch a hole through his stomach. Tossing him aside I disengage my cape and cover the naked little girls. With their sights covered I was able to finish the job.

8 men lay dead in a second flat, each of them a gruesome death. Ripping clothes from the men I helped cover the woman who laid on the filthy floor. She cried and pulled me into a hug speaking in Arabic quickly, praising her God for my arrival.

Shushing her I instantly took them out and into a safe space in the nearby city, 10 women and 15 children were held hostage inside the facility. People in the city flocked and helped clothe and shelter the victims quickly. Men and women praise and thank me, taking the time I hug and praise them back before leaving.

As all major events happen by the time I got back to National city the media was already covering my "murder" scene. They swarmed the mayor's office as he tried to speak for me but I wouldn't allow him to make up and execute or lie for my benefit.

Landing down harshly I move the Mayor aside gently and took the stand as reports screamed out questions. Steeling myself I speak up loudly.

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