Ch 26: Battle of Wills Pt. 2

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No One POV:

Kara's body collided into the ground, sliding for yards till she came to a stop. She was hurt, Clark had managed to clear the Kryptonite out of his system and Bruce had gotten the same powers as Alex.

They were both unstable but Bruce would explode if he kept it up, it would take everyone out on the field. Standing she held her side, broken bones healing quickly, blood seeping from her wounds, anger coursing through her.

A loud sound of thunder and lighting cracked out, multiple erupted near the battlefield leaving Kara worried. 

"What was that?" She spoke through the comms.

"Shazam family." Diana spoke.


Crouching down and jumping off she flew back at light speed, punching her way through Clark and Bruce. Seeing the seven shazams made her stomach turn, kids aren't supposed to die.

Her body is sent back as Clark kicks her across the face, smaller heros try to attack her but she gains control again and incinerates them with her vision. Looking up she caught the fist of Bruce as he attacked her. Each strike they threw sent a Shockwave and thunderous clap.

"Kara, I can handle the Shazams. You need to focus on those two." Diana spoke through comms.

"There's seven of them." Kara tried to defy.

"But they're all 1/7 of their normal power now. I'll have Ivy and Harley help." Diana spoke out.

"Fine… just don't kill them." She warned.


Jason and Kate watch from a distance as Kara takes off, they turn and dodge an attack from Guardian and Plastic Man. Looking at them they charged one another.

Jason locks in combat with Guardian as Kate fine herself bound by the plastic fucks body. Reaching into her pouch she pulls a small sphere, squeezing it erupts a blast of ice. It quickly encases Plastic man and even spreads towards Jason and Guardian.

Breaking free of his grasp she smashes the ice into smaller pieces keeping him from shifting or shaping his body. Looking over the battlefield she spotted Ivy and Harley running through the crowd and towards Diana.

Taking an uppercut from Shazam Diana skids back, the ground shook as a massive plant erupted and grabbed hold of the shazam family. Harley jumps uptop the plant and moves quickly, pulling her mallet out and delivering powerful strikes to each one.

Diana braces herself and removes the bracelets from her arms, lighting hitting her and igniting a powerful aura around her. Letting out a warrior cry her eyes light white and she rushes the family with the powers of all Greek Gods.

They manage to sleep from Ivy's grass and send her back into the feil to be struck down by Doctor Fate's Magic. Diana works quickly with each one, taking a hit like nothing and pushing forward to the fight with the kids.

Catching Mary by the hair she slams her to the ground, dicing down after her she spikes her feet into her. The young teen coughs as all the air leaves her, coming at her sideways as Darla. The fastest of the family gives Diana swift uppercut, taking it full on as she wipes the blood from her cut lip and follows after the woman.

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