C H A P T E R - F O U R T E E N

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" Idiot! I told you that round face is fine.. Have some faith in Camie and I'm sure she will get through her head and compensated already- " Bakugou convinced Deku who already going back and forth, calling seventy-six times and keep on ringing his phone to reach out to Uraraka.

" Come on.. Please answer.. " He kept mumbling as each call only left a repeated voice call.

" Hey, sorry for not getting the call.. Just leave a message and I'll get it as soon as possible! Thank you!! " Ochako's voice replied with a happy tone as a beep sound as a sign for another voice message to be left behind which it wouldn't reach this time.

" Ochako please.. please let's talk.. I know you are hearing this.. I'll wait for you to call me, okay..? " Deku said as the call hung up with his heart beating getting faster than the usual feeling he had.

" Midoriya, you have to calm down.. Give Ochako some time to think and she will be able to open up and hear you out.. " Shoto comforted the green-haired actor only to see him more desperate look in his eyes.

Deku only ignored his friends and call one more time, and another, until it has gone fifteen minutes of him still trying to call her. Bakugou had enough of him as he stopped Deku from moving around which gave a shocking and depressing look in Deku's puffy eyes.

" Nerd.. I know it's important for you to express everything inside but you got to give Uraraka some time to think.. " Bakugou kept gripping his shoulders which Deku panted and finally look around seeing his other classmates with worried faces.

" Everyone is also worried, Deku-kun.. " Tsuyu approached with a sad face, " It's just.. You had the wrong timing to tell between you and Ochako-chan.. "

Deku wipes his face from the tears building up as his hands began to shake from nervousness, fear, and anger from himself. Melissa saw his childhood friend struggle as guilt began to grow and develop which made her frown. Deku finally got to calm down only to stare at his phone waiting for a call, an answer to his hundred voice messages given to Ochako.

" Izu-kun..? " Melissa goes beside Deku as he looked at her with pain and sadness in his eyes.

" Hm..? " He straightens up putting aside his phone.

" I know I made a lot of mess.. super big mess this time.. " Melissa looked down as she gripped her bag tightly, " I-It's kind of funny that you got into this situation, a pretty smart person like you couldn't deal with such love-problematic confession.. "

" What are you trying to do now.. " Deku replied with a cold tone making Melissa gulp as she tried not to get nervous.

" I-I know that after this vacation.. We will go back to our hectic work and I don't know if your friend.. Uraraka will be able to get the chance to hear you out.. " Melissa replied as she looked down gripping even tighter and closing her eyes, " You wouldn't mind if you could give me one last chance..? "

Deku looked at the actress, shocked, and in disbelief with wanting the girl he had once loved and awaited, " Melissa.. I-I know that our relationship between us has been. Well, not like it used to be.. "

" I know it's selfish of me to take you away from Uraraka but the two of us haven't gotten that dream we wanted before.. I still dream of it, you and me to be actual couples in real life.. " Melissa said as she not trying to be desperate but instead becoming more open to him as he listened, " I.. was oblivious.. I have been noticing your patience and your call every night when we were in high school and- "

" Melissa.. " Deku stopped him as she flinched looking at him seeing his sorrowful eyes, " I'm sorry.. "

She bit her lip as her hands began to shake then without a doubt hold his hand trying not to cry, " It's not too late you know.. We can go back to where we used to hang out! Or we should go to the beach we used to swim in before with Uncle Might..! I will wait for you!! I'll give you everything you want for us to be together and- "

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