C H A P T E R - T H R E E

903 26 15

It's been three months and she feels so sick, that her stomach doesn't always agree with the food she eats every meal of the day. Ochako has been craving more Katsudon than ever so she might need to learn how to cook that meal on her own.

" Ughh.. " She groans in pain as she quickly goes to the bathroom and pukes in the toilet.

It has been going on for an hour now and it's nine in the morning. She needed to eat, anything can be good but the craving she wanted to eat so badly is Katsudon. Around her room was going in circles as she pants feeling out of breath when she tried standing up, she looked at herself in the mirror and she was getting paler than before. She quickly got out of her apartment and tried going to a doctor and she called someone that might help her out of the situation. So she waited for five minutes just outside of her Mochako café.

" Ochako!! " She heard her name being called as she opened her eyes. It was Shoto and Momo waving in the car, he pulled the car to the side while Momo quickly got out of the car.

" Momo.. " She whimpered as she held her bag weakly as her eyes were about to close, keeping herself to wake up when she waited for them, " Thank goodness.. "

" Look at you.. You're so pale.. " Momo's worried tone is being heard as she holds Ochako's cheek, it's not warm enough, " Have you been eating? Where does it hurt? You got to tell me what you're feeling right now.. You called me and you respond with heavy breathing.. You couldn't even tell me a phrase at all! You scared me to death, Ochako!! "

Momo was a great doctor and she knows that her friend is sick seeing Ochako couldn't move her hand right now, " I want... Katsudon.. Please.. "

Momo teared up seeing the state of her friend like this so she ordered her husband to prepare the second seat for her to lie down, She carried her slowly to the car and Both the Todoroki couple drive fast to the nearest hospital, Momo checked her vitals and she was panicking seeing her friend about to die. Luckily, the infamous 'Recovery Girl', Chiyo Shuzenji, is present in the hospital, and with her assistance, Momo managed to save Ochako.

" The girl is having fatigue and mostly her nutrition on her body is decreasing.. She overworked herself too much.. " Chiyo explained with a frown.

" Thank the One for All, they spared her life.. " Momo cried as she felt weaker than before.

" Don't worry about her now.. Why don't you tell the people about her situation, hm? " Chiyo said as Momo nodded and quickly got out of the room with her phone ringing.

Then all of a sudden, Ochako wakes up seeing the old woman beside her, " You awake, my dear.. "

" Mnmm.. W-Where am I.. " She said as the doctor held her hand gently with a warm smile.

" Your friend took you to the hospital, how are you feeling? " Chiyo asked the young girl as she saw a tear escaping from her eye.

" Please get me out of here.. " She begged weakly as she knew that she couldn't move, her energy was gone and she could only cry.

" Don't push yourself, my dear.. You're not the one who will be affected, the unborn child will suffer and die if you continue overworking your body, my dear.. " The old woman said it, she is pregnant and yet she avoided the symptoms.

" Does she know about it..? " She asked as the doctor shook her head.

" She doesn't.. " She replied as Ochako gave her a sad smile.

" Can you.. not tell my friends..? " She asked while the old lady frowned.

" Your friend was worried sick about you... She felt relief when she saved you from the brink of death. Matter of fact, she saved both you and your unborn baby inside your stomach... " Chiyo explained as she looked out the window, " Do you have a good reason to keep this a secret..? "

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