C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y T W O

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Yaoyorozu Todoroki came out from the car with the security guards protecting her from behind, she was pretty irritated that it came from her husband's orders that there will be always a guard who would follow her whenever she goes out of the mansion. She understands his point of view but sometimes it was getting out of hand if she wanted privacy like public bathrooms. She finally got to the place where Uraraka asked to meet up, Goldie's Frappe in Greenville. She looked at the door where the sign shows it was open and slowly enter seeing it not a single customer in sight, she looked from far away to where was Uraraka looking at the window.

" O-Ochako-san..! " Momo began to walk towards her and caught Uraraka's attention calling out her name.

" Y-You're here.. " Uraraka stuttered a little, " Here I thought it will be just us two.. " 

Momo stopped seeing one of his guards from behind her as she sighs, " This is a private discussion, can you guard from the entrance instead? Please understand that this is an important matter for me.. " 

The guard nodded and go on his way to the entrance door as Momo sat down from the opposite side of Uraraka, she observe by looking if she looked sick or something but it wasn't. 

" How is everyone without one of them worrying about me.. " Uraraka started as she looks down with a sad smile.

" Midoriya had it worse from the past month you were missing.. " Yaoyorozu replied as noticed the waitress offering them their signature hot coffee for both of them and left, " I heard that Mina is pissed at him.. So both of them don't get along or spoken for a month too... "

" I see.. " Uraraka then looked at Yaoyorozu with a serious look, " Things got escalated and I didn't get a chance for you to tell what I wanted to say when we were in the baby clothes shop.. " 

" It's okay Uraraka-san.. " Momo frowned as she looks at Ochako who was nervous and scared, " You don't have to tell me now if you are that uncomfortable.. I'm just so glad to meet you personally and- "

" Only you could understand my situation Yao-san.. " Ochako cut her off and gave a small smile, " You are now a mother of two.. " 

" What situation? I don't get it.. " Momo murmured as she stared deeply at Ochako who smiles, " Wait don't tell me.. Are you..? " 

Ochako nodded as she began to speak, " Yeah.. I'm- "

" YOU ARE PREGNANT?! " Momo shouted and smacked the table spilling some of the coffee which both girls pull away from their chairs trying not to get stained from a hot beverage.

Momo looked at Uraraka with her stomach having a bump, proof that she really is carrying a life inside her, " Momo you have to calm down- "

" You were pregnant for four months.. the symptoms of you fainting, malnutrition, and overfatigue.. " Momo mumbled as she began to remember all that happened and explains all of it, " You crying when you looked at that baby dress..

" I was supposed to tell you that time but- " Ochako blushed as Momo grabbed her shoulders.

" Who's the father? " Momo asked as Uraraka stiffed up and look down making her widen her eyes finally picking up the piece together, " it's Midoriya isn't it..? the father of your child inside you? why did you hide that from him-.. " 

" I don't have a choice, Momo! " Uraraka whimpered as she began to rub her stomach, " His life and mine don't fit.. He worked hard for his career and I don't want to be a burden over this to him especially since he is going to be a well-known actor of all in Japan reaching his dream.. " 

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