C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y

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It was a breezy night as she prepares herself to lie down when she stumbled on an instrument from the corner, she is using Mirio's old room before and she didn't know that he got some good stuff in the corner. She reaches out for it to see an untouched classic guitar all tuned up, it made her think about the gigs she does and how people compliment it with 'it was soothing' or 'you have a beautiful voice' comments. She began to strum and pluck them gently as she didn't know that she was already making her composition song again, she hums softly and quickly took her phone to record it.

" Hmmm~ Testing one, two.. " She said as the recording seems to be working, " First demo for Eri's lullaby.. Technically my first ever composition.. " 

She started strumming as she gently pluck the strings, repeating every recording until finally, she perfected this flow of the instrumental part. Slowly closing her eyes with lyrics coming out of her mouth,

" You're not alone

There's no doubt,

Your gift

Isn't futile to be... "

" If we'll be united

We're stronger together,

We always have the high hope

Not all for one but one for all.. "

" Don't worry 'bout a thing

We'll reach out to you

Even if it's a harder way,

It's plain to see the reason why

Oh, that's all because of the mighty heart. "

" Remember it's just natural that we'll be there if you need help

Far across the distance, rest assured that our faith just won't die..- "

She kept on plucking the guitar until a squeak from her door opened a little which made her stopped from recording as the Togata trio stiffed as she saw them caught hearing her sing, it made her giggle at them, " Hado-san and Mirio-kun.. " 

" That was so beautiful words from a song..! " Hado exclaimed with tears coming out from her eyes.

" You got a hidden gem in your voicebox!! " Mirio sparkles his eyes while carrying the young Nero who is reaching out for Ochako.

Ochako smiled as she puts away the guitar and Nero who touched her bumped, " Hey Nero.. it's going to be your friend someday.. " 

" You hear that buddy? " Mirio approached Nero as he rubs his back, " It's going to be your playmate someday! " 

Nero giggled as he clapped while Mirio chuckled in his expression, " dada! mada! "

" The song just came to my mind while thinking of Eri.. " She said as she began rubbing her bump.

" So you're naming her Eri? " Hado asked as she sits beside her.

" Well.. He told me that he would name his child Eri.. " Ochako said as she flashes back to the past when she and Deku were back at her apartment.


" Eri.. " He blurted as Ochako made a confused look.

" Eri? " She asked as he chuckled.

" I would like to name one of my kids Eri, meaning blessing.. " He said as Ochako blushes more while looking at Deku who has a genuine look, " Cause I'm blessed to be called his father... "


" Ehhh.. You never told me who is the father, Ochako-san..! " Mirio pouted as the girls giggled.

" Actually Mirio-kun.. You've worked with him with tons of stunts and training.. " Uraraka said as Mirio showed a poker face who is pretty oblivious and doesn't have one clue. 

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