Chapter Five

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We get to my apartment close to eleven, and Tyler just sets his stuff down on my couch. He unzips his suitcase, gets out what looks like pajamas and toothpaste with a toothbrush. He also gets out his own shampoo.

"Hey, Marcie, can I take a shower?"

I look at him like he's crazy. "You don't have to ask to take a shower, goofy. Just go take one, I don't care, as long as you're clean."

He chuckles. "I'm sorry. I just find it rude of me if I just went to take a shower like I owned the place." He walks to the bathroom, still chuckling to himself.

I'll admit, I like how he's being respectful and nice. I go to my room, and change into a kind of tight night shirt, with no sleeves, and a pair of pajama shorts. I keep my sports bra on, I mean, that's just pure common sense on why I did that. I changed because I already took a shower this morning, so I'm good. I go back into the living room, and walk to the couch. I take his stuff in the spare room (I had a roommate but they moved out not too long ago, they got a good job somewhere in, I think San Francisco.. I'm not sure), and put it on the bed. It doesn't take long for him to shower. I get back into the living room and I just hear the shower turn off.

I pick out a movie, and I decide on an action movie, The Avengers. I pick this because I'm really psyched for Age of Ultron to hit theatres. I sit on the couch, and start the movie as soon as Tyler comes walking in.

"Where's my stuff?" He asks as he dries his hair with a towel. The only thing he wears is a pair of basketball shorts. He's not even wearing his mask.

I turn on the couch so I face him. "Oh, I put all of it in the spare bedroom just past the bathroom on the right."

He gives me a slight smile, and turns. He comes back, and I'm guessing he put his shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste in his bag, because all he held in his hands was his towel. "Where do I put this exactly?"

I get up from my seat on the couch, and walk up to him, taking the towel. "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it. Just take a seat on the couch. I've already started a movie, if that's fine with you?"

He smiles, and takes one step closer to me, to where we were just brushing each other's skin. Or well, my night shirt with his skin. I can smell his shampoo, Old Spice, which I'm in love with..

He rubs my left bicep with his hand. I get shivers going down my spine. "Thank you, Marcie. For not only taking my towel, but for letting me stay here for the night. And... I'm really glad that I met you.."

I smile at him. "Thank you.. For coming up to me and talking to me Tyler." I kiss his cheek, and walk past him. I take a quick glance back, and he's still standing there, but I can just barely tell that he's holding his cheek. I turn to put his towel in the dirty clothes hamper in my room, and I grin from ear to ear. 'Wow.. He actually likes me..'

Tyler's POV

She kissed me.. I stand there, too excited to move. I put my hand to my cheek, where her lips made contact. Man, were they soft.. I just hope that one day, my lips will feel just how soft hers are.

I'm finally able to move, and I walk into the living room, focusing on the T.V. I see that the movie, The Avengers, was playing. This made me think of The Avengers 2 that's coming out soon. Hey! If Marcie likes movies, then maybe I could ask her to the movies as our first date, then ask her to be my girlfriend. But I got to make it more romantic if I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend.

My thoughts were interrupted when I hear Marcie enter the living room. She walks around the couch, and takes a seat next to me. We're both trapped in our own little world, watching the movie. When it gets to the part where Bruce turns to the Hulk for the first time, I feel something on my arm. I look over to see Marcie leaning against me. I lift my arm, and put it around her shoulders. She looks to me, then slides closer, leaning her head on my chest.

We continue to watch the movie, and when it ends, I notice that Marcie has fallen asleep. Her even breaths sound so calming. Her eyes flutter, with what looks like a dream. And then, I see something weird. I see her smile in her sleep. Then I know that she's dreaming. I wonder what of?

I stop my wondering, get off the couch gently, making sure that I don't wake her, and I pick her up in my arms. I take her to her room, and lay her on her bed. I cover her with her blankets, and I kiss her forehead. I start to walk out the door, and I turn to look at her one last time. She looks so beautiful..

I exit her room, go to where I'm supposed to sleep, cover my own body with blankets, and fall fast asleep, with a big smile plastered on my face.

Marcie's POV

The last thing I remember was Tony Stark having his conversation with Loki, in his house when he asks Loki for a drink. The next thing I knew, I was encased in my own little world.

I'm getting ready for a date. I take one last look in the mirror, and I smile at the outfit I have chosen, skinny jeans, a big baggy sweater, and converse. My hair is wavy, and I notice I have about an hour before my date gets here. The weird thing is, I know I'm getting ready for a date, but I don't know who with. I paint my nails a light blue color, and begin to dry them. When I know that they're completely dry, I put the nail polish up.

I walk back into the living room, and I double check to see if I have everything. My tiny purse with only just enough room to fit my billfold and phone. Just when I put my phone in there, there's a knock at the door. I open it revealing my date, Tyler.

I smile as he asks, "You ready to go?"

I nod. He leads me to his car in his garage, and he opens the passenger's door, letting me sit, then closing the door for me. He gets in, and drives to a restaurant. We eat dinner, then walk to the movies. We choose to watch Unfriended. I was cuddled in his arm the entire time basically. Especially the part where the guy puts his whole hand in the blender.. I can't stand to see that..

We leave the movie theatre, and instead of heading back to the restaurant, we go the opposite direction. "Tyler, where are we going?" I ask him.

He entwines his fingers with mine. "It's a surprise." He simply answers. We walk hand in hand for about ten minutes, and we turn into a walking park. The season is just right, and the trees are starting to bloom. It looks so pretty. We continue to walk in silence, and we sit on a bench, looking at the park's beauty.

"Marcie?" I turn my head to look at Tyler.

"We've been talking to each other for quite some time and.." He takes a deep breath. "I was wondering if you would like to... Be m-my girlfriend?" I big smile grows on my face.

I hug him and whisper in his ear. "Of course I would Tyler."

He pulls back, and kisses me on my lips. I smile into the kiss. Nothing could ruin this moment. We get up, walk to the restaurant, and get in his car, driving home. He decides to stay at my apartment tonight, and we end the night cuddling on the couch, exchanging a few kisses, and watch movies.

The next thing I know, I'm awake in my bed, wondering if that night actually happened.


I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, so I tried to make this chapter longer. So here's what happened. My uncle got a flat tire on his vehicle, so he had no one else to call but my grandma and mom. I was picked up after school, and we go to where his vehicle was parked. One of the lug-nuts on it is stripped, so it's hard to turn it and change the tire. We finally decided to call a mechanic. He arrives like thirty minutes later, because my uncle thought it was a good idea to break down in the middle of the country. They finally got the tire off, but his spare was the wrong size. So we had to go back to town, get the right size from the mechanic's shop, and go back and put the tire on. Let's just say that I got home, at about 9:00 P.M. in my time zone, which is central. So I'm so sorry for the late update. I love all you guys so much, and please don't be mad at me...

Also, I really want to watch the new Avengers movie! And maybe Unfriended, I'm still decisive on that, with the scene where the guy puts his hand in the blender. I can stand to see what happened to someone, like a broken bone, or a deep cut or shredded skin or something like that, but I can't stand to see how it happened. I get sick to my stomach. Have you guys watched the Blind Side? At the very beginning where they show the quarter back getting tackled and breaking his leg, yeah.. I can't watch that part.. I'm that bad..

Anyways, I hope you all liked this chapter, thank you all so much for reading and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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