Chapter Nine

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Tyler's POV

I kept her encased in my arms. I wish this moment would last forever. I look to the door, and notice that we left it open. As soon as I close my eyes, cherishing the moment, I hear someone walk through the door. I open my eyes and lift my head from Marcie's, and see.. My friends. And I don't have my mask on.

"What the fuck happened in here?! And why in the living fuck don't you have your mask on?!" Trinity was the first one to start yelling at me.

I let go of Marcie, and walk up to everyone. I explain that Jake had been there, we fought, and I cleaned up Marcie.

"That still doesn't explain why you're not wearing your mask, Wildcat. Or does she know your real name too?" Marcel asked, keeping calm. I think the only one that is really mad about this whole situation is Trinity.

"She does know my real name, and I told her that and showed her what I look like because I trust her.." I look down, not wanting to confess that I'm in love with her just yet to them. As far as they know, I have a little crush on her.

Vanoss and MacKenzie come up to me. "Look, we can tell that you're in love with this girl." Vanoss starts. I look up at him, and he continues. "If you trust her, then I guess we should too." He looks past me, I'm guessing towards Marcie. "She looks a little shaken up." He looks back to me. "How about she stays one or two nights. So we can get to know her a little more, you two can get a little closer, and.." He looks back, then MacKenzie whispers in my ear. "Trinity can get to know her and like her."

She pulls back, and Evan faces me again. He nods, and ushers everyone out. I turn to see Marcie staring intently. I walk up to her with a big smile on my face. She immediately sees it, and returns it.

"What did they say?" She asks, the curiosity clear in her voice.

"How would you feel about staying one or two nights in our apartment?" I ask.

Her smile grows, then she tilts her head in confusion. "Why though?"

"Vanoss thought you looked a little shaken up considering what had just happened. He wants to see to make sure you're okay, and wants to get to know you a little more."

She nods her head, understanding. She gets off the counter, and goes into her room, while I walk into the spare room where I slept last night, and pack my stuff to get ready to go. I walk back into the living room, waiting for her to finish packing. She finally shows up, with a small suitcase full of her stuff.

"Ready?" I ask her, grabbing my stuff.

She nods, and nervously says, "Yeah.."

I walk up to her, and put my stuff on the floor. I cup her cheeks, and tell her reasurringly, "There's nothing to be nervous about."

"Trinity?" She asks.

"She just needs some time warming up to you is all. I promise, once she likes you, you'll know it."

I kiss the tip of her nose, and pick up my stuff, along with hers. She giggles, but doesn't try to fight. She knows I will win.

We walk out the door, and she closes and locks it. We walk into the elevator, and wait for it to stop on my floor.

Marcie taps my arm. "What's up buttercup?"

"I-I'm just scared.. What if Trinity never likes me? And what if your friends don't ever trust me? What if--"

"Stop worrying." I interrupt her. I take her hand in mine. "They will all like and trust you. Trust me. I'm the one who's the hardest to get to trust someone. I trusted MacKenzie pretty easily, and you were easier to trust. They will like you. I promise you. It may take Trin some time, but she will."

I give her a reassuring squeeze, and let her hand go when the doors finally fly open.

We walk out and to the door of my apartment. I open it, and motion for her to go first. She grabs her bag, walks in, and nervously waits for me.

"HEY FUCKERRRRS!!!!!" I yell. I hear chuckles and giggles as everyone either emerges from down the hall, from downstairs or the living room. Everyone gives Marcie a hug, including Trinity. I just hope that she's finally warming up to her.

"Uh, if you want, you can sleep with Wildcat.." MacKenzie says quickly. She takes my bag, and motions for Marcie to follow her downstairs.

Marcie's POV

I follow MacKenzie downstairs to I'm assuming Tyler's room. She opens the first door on the right, and I follow her in. I set my stuff on the neatly made bed, and she puts a hand on my shoulder. I turn to face her.

"Hey, can I talk to you about Tyler?" She asks.

"Sure.." I say nervously.

"Okay, so um.. Are you two.. Dating?"

I think for a second. "No. I mean, we know we like each other but no, we're not dating."

She smiles, and I can see the gears turning in her head. "Why?" I ask her.

"Because I think you two would be cute together! But please give Trin some time.."

I give her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, she isn't very fond of you at the moment. And I can tell you why, if you wanna know.." I nod, urging her to continue. "When she first joined, she first met Tyler. He's the only reason why she's in this gang. Basically what happened was, they bumped into each other, she saw him without his mask, he brought her home to explain, and we just took her in because she has no other family. Tyler is her brother. Tyler is the closest one to her, besides Nogla. He means the world to her and she just doesn't want his heart to be broken."

I nod, understanding every word. But I would never break his heart..

"You guys talking about me?" I heard a voice say from behind me in the doorway. I turn to see Trinity standing in the doorway.

"I'll leave you two to talk." MacKenzie leaves the room, and goes upstairs.

Trinity comes closer to me. "Everything she said is true. He has tried other relationships, and they all ended the same way. I'm very protective of him. He IS my big brother."

I nod again. "Look, Trinity, I would never break his heart.. Before you ask, no we're not dating, but with your permission, I would like to start dating him soon, when he's ready... Please Trinity.. I wouldn't do anything to hurt Tyler or anyone of his friends for that matter."

I can see that she's thinking hard about her next decision. Then, she finally speaks up.


Because I love to torture you guys!!! I love you!!! I might update tonight but I have to read a book..... I'll try, no promises!!

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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