Chapter Twenty

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Jake was on top of me, pinning me down to the floor with his knees so I couldn't punch or push him off of me. He swung, and I'll admit, a few good ones to my jaw and nose. I struggled to get his knees off of my wrists, and finally, after a few more punches, I managed to get my right wrist out from under his knee, and punch him in his jaw, knocking him off of me.

Now, our fight can begin.

We circle each other, while everyone else was having a gun fight throughout the house. Somehow, we were the only ones in his room, and I presume my friends looked for shelter in the living room, and Jake's 'friends' followed. I sure hope they're all okay. My friends, not those other bastards.

I can see Jake's jaw already swollen. My pig mask helped shield from his blows, but not very much. We kept circling each other, trying to figure out one another, anticipating the next move. Finally, we both swing, and make contact with a punch from our right hand, at the same time, mimicking the ending scene from Rocky III. (A/N; If you've never seen Rocky III, you could use the scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier when Sam and Rumlow swung at each other at the same time. I highly recommend the entire Rocky series, Rocky through Rocky V, and Rocky Balboa, which is basically the sixth movie, and I hear that there is a seventh movie, called Creed. But like I said, I highly recommend those movies if you haven't watched them, even though I guarantee you will cry in Rocky IV..)

Evan's POV

After the first gunshot was fired, and Tyler and Jake started fighting, my gang ran for the living room, seeking shelter behind the couches and chairs. Jake's gang followed behind, but not close enough to shoot us before we hid. They also found protection from the counters and more chairs.

All was quiet except for the punches heard from the bed room. I looked around for everyone, and I could see them all clearly. I signaled for one of us to look over their object from which they were hiding behind, and see if they could see any one of them.

Lomasi, being the brave female that she is, volunteered. She slowly started to look from behind her chair, and took aim. It was quite for a few more seconds. I decided to look from behind the couch, and I didn't see any heads popping out from behind the chairs or counters, but I seen a few feet.

I took aim at one of the feet I seen, shot, and the man went toppling over, holding his foot, making his head completely visible. I took aim, and my bullet went right between his eyes.

Gunfire broke loose after.

Tyler's POV

I threw him against the wall. I could hear gunshots being fired, after a few minutes of silence. I zoned out the shooting, and focused on kicking this asshole's ass. I grabbed him by his shirt, and lift him a good foot off the ground and pushed him to the wall. He had a black eye, his jaw was more swollen than before, and a nose gushing blood. I bet his ribs, stomach, and back don't feel any better either.

While I was holding him up, he starts to laugh evilly. "You know she doesn't love you. You know she's gonna die in that hospital tonight. She never loved you, she loved me, and still does."

"Rot in hell you piece of shit!" With that, I gave him a final blow to the temple. I knew he was dead, and I'm very relieved of it, but just to make sure, I pointed my pistol at his head, and shot.

Evan's POV

We kept shooting at each other. Lomasi killed one, Brock got shot in his hand just after killing someone, Mini just barely escaped death and got nicked on the ear, Delirious in the foot after shooting two guys (one of them being the one that almost killed Mini), and Lui in his arm after shooting the guy's foot that shot him, to which Basically finished off. There were two people left, and all of us, even though some of us are injured.

We all hear a gunshot from the bedroom, and and footsteps coming from down the hall. we all wait anxiously to see who shot who. Suddenly, Tyler came running from down the hall, taking cover by me behind the couch. I sigh a sigh of relief just as I see MacKenzie shoot two times. "Kill him?" I asked her.

She only nodded, "Good job babe." I reassured her, and she smiled at me, leaning in for one quick kiss, we decided that would be our little tradition a few missions ago, to kiss once during our mission. You could say it's exhilarating, that's why we do it, to add a little spice to our relationship. I focused my attention back on Tyler.

"I'm guessing you won?" I whispered at him.

"Fuck yeah!" He said excitedly.

I smile at his reaction, and I see Lomasi peek up, and take aim.

Lomasi's POV

I take aim at the remaining son of a bitch. I shoot a few times, and he moves just in time. I take aim in the middle of his chest, and pull the trigger, but nothing happens. 'Fuck! I ran out of bullets!'

The guy smirks, and takes aim. I'm unable to take cover, and I don't know why. I'm.. Mesmerized. Frozen in place.

He takes aim. "Say goodbye bitch."

Suddenly, blood splashes the wall behind him. A bullet went right through his forehead.

"Goodbye bitch." I look over, and see that Lui shot him. He saved my life. He dropped his gun, and ran to me, encasing me in a big hug with his good arm.

He pulls away, and asks, "You couldn't move, could you?" I shake my head for my responce. "It's okay, you were just shocked, and didn't know what to do. You've never gave anyone the chance to point a gun at you, because you always killed them first. But I'm here for you. I'm here to make sure you're always safe."

He cupped my cheek with one hand, and pulled me in to a kiss.

Tyler's POV

After we confirmed that everyone in that house was dead, we headed to the hospital. Evan and Marcel carried Delirious to their vehicle, since he was shot in the foot. Lui held his arm, and Brock held his hand while we walked back to our car. We all got in, and I drove to the hospital, where our injured were checked in, and wrapped up.

Delirious received crutches, and everyone else along with him, bandages where they were shot. Everyone except me went into Trin's room. I waited outside of the OR, awaiting for any news from any doctor or nurse about Marcie.

Finally, the door opened, and out came the doctor, blood all over him. I stand up, and ask, "How is she?"

He looks down, and I get scared. He looks back up with a smile on his face, leaving me confused. "She had traumatic bleeding in the brain, but, after a few hours of surgery, she will make it."

"Then why'd you scare me by looking down?"

"I was thinking if there was anything I was missing, but there's not. She's gonna be perfectly fine. We'll move her to her room with her friend within the next hour or two, so I'd suggest you go wait for her there or go get something to eat."

I smile at him, happy that my Marcie will be fine. "Thank you doctor.. For everything. It means the world to me."

"I can tell. She's very lucky, and so are you. I can tell she really loves you though."

I tilt my head, confused once again. He continues. "Even though she was out of it, and her head was.. Open... She mumbled, 'Tyler' a few times. We've never seen it happen before, so we think that.. She's in love with you."

My smile grows wide. He asks, "Are you in love with her?"

"Yes.. I am.. She means everything to me." I respond.

"With everything I've heard that has been going on, which is why that guy hit her, she deserves someone who loves her. Go be that someone. Love her, and make her feel special."

"I will Doctor. Thank you so much." He nods, and walks back into the operating room. I head for Trin's room, and wait for the love of my life.


Hi guys! I know I said I would update either Sunday or Monday, but I wanted to update this.... SO yeah... That's my reason.. And I still need information on Terroriser! Please help if you want that fanfiction to happen! Also.. Districts!!! Wish me luck!!

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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